Chapter Twenty Two

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Dear Meredith,

It feels weird writing like this. It's so old fashion, but I guess that's why you liked it. You probably won't even read this letter because once you see the name you'll rip it up, but I think I deserved that. I would probably do the same if I were in your shoes. No, that's a lie, because if I ever did receive another letter from you, I would keep it and read it over and over again. I would never let it out of my sight, afraid of it disappearing once I took my eyes off it, just like you did.

I remember that day in the park where we laid and watched the clouds, muttering sweet nothings to each other. You told me my eyes were really blue, and it made me laugh. Then we kissed and I tasted the cherry lip balm you never left home without. Tell me, do you still carry it with you everywhere you go? Is your hair still auburn? Or did you change it like Michael does every few weeks?

How is college going for you? I hope you are doing well, and following the dreams, you couldn't have when we were together. It sounds like I'm trying to make I feel guilty, but I'm not. In fact, I'm the one that's guilty. I'm the one that's stupid for letting you go again. You were right, we are poisonous for each other, but maybe I liked the thrill. Maybe I liked the way my heart fluttered when my name left your lips. But you aren't mine anymore, you're his.

Crazy how in just one year you already moved on. Or maybe you didn't. But if you are happy with him, it's all that matters. I hope he gives you everything I couldn't. I hope he loves you for your flaws and your beauty like I did once, or like I still do. Maybe, I'm pathetic for still being hung up on you, but you can't deny what we had. Two years of a relationship, five years apart, and just a month back together before I screwed up again. Funny, how an engagement brought us back together, and a wedding is going to bring us together again. I still can't believe Michael and Janet are getting married, or that she's pregnant. It's weird how much can happen in a year huh.

I don't even know if you're coming back. They never told me if you were. The only thing, I know about you is that you're with him now. You're Richards. Of all people, it had to be him. Even after all you've heard about him, or the names he called you, you ran back into his arms. But, I'm the one that pushed you into them.

I Just hope that he's treating you right and that one day I'll get over you, even if that seems impossible.

Lo- Sincerely, Luke

That had been the ninth time she had read it. The first two times she wanted nothing more than to tear it to shreds, but she refrained from doing so. The rest of the times, she just kept wiping away the tears that had messed up her makeup and taking deep breaths to stop her face from turning puffy and red. She neatly folded into and placed it on her bedside table, swinging her feet off her bed, smiling at her roommate who was passed out her own bed across the room.

She had decided not to move into her own place over here in California, and that she would rather lie on Campus, and she luckily had gotten a good roommate, Grace. She had fair skin and shocking purple curly hair, and bright green eyes that sparkled twenty-four seven. Her bubble spirit always bringing a smile to Meredith's face.

Since it was always warm in California she had no reason to put on a coat, and just zipped up her gray hoodie and placed her hood on her head. She plugged her ears with music as she took off for her normal morning run. It was something she had started doing the past year, to clear her head and relax her. She also wanted to lose a few pounds, which she had accomplished, but she still did it every morning. She had declined lots of boys who had volunteered to join her in the morning, using the same excuse that she had a boyfriend, one that was very controlling. Meredith was scared at the thought of what he would do if he found out she had a guy friend, or even that a guy looked at her in the wrong way, and she had to admit, she hated it.

At first, Richard had reached out to her when she was in a dark place, a place she thought she would never get out of, but he had helped her. Even after all she had done to him, he still helped her. And he took it upon himself to move with her to California, even if it wasn't her original plan. He moved them into a place that was a few blocks away from her campus, constantly fighting with her over her choice to live here instead of with him.

Meredith came to a halt as her song ended and started another one. A song she wished she could have forgotten about, the one he used to make his promise, one that she didn't expect.

She tried to block out the song, trying not listen to the lyrics since she wasn't able to change it since she wasn't a premium member, which she also hated. She had come to realize she hated a lot of things including this song.

Author Note:

I know I said that there is a lot more to come, and there is. But not in this book, I'm writing a sequel, and the first chapter will be posted soon. I hope you guys enjoyed this story. Comment what you think, and please don't hate me for ending it this way. I just didn't want the cliche of them breaking up and getting back together in one story, so why not two? :)

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