Chapter Sixteen

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"I missed you so much bitch!" Julie screamed as she ran to Meredith and jumped in her arms, almost knocking her over. Meredith laughed and hugged her sister as Luke went over to greet his bandmates who were heading towards them afterward.

Calum gave Meredith a hug and a kiss on the forehead. Ashton have her a bear hug, as well as Michael. "So are you pregnant?" Michael bluntly stated and it caught her off guard, she almost forgot how blunt Michael could be sometimes, but she loved that about him.

Calum hits him on the back of his head, Michael hissed. Calum sent him a dirty look, to which he just shrugged and smirked.

Janet came over to her and gave Meredith a quick hug and a smile, as well as Luke. "So how was your guy's vacation?" she asked.

Meredith glanced over at Luke before answering, "It was great, Mexico is so beautiful. So you guys want to get something to eat?" she switched the subject immediately and went to grab her suitcase and walked away from them.

Luke sighed and followed suit, leaving the six of them in a daze.

"I knew I should have bet money on them not ending up together," Ashton mumbled and received a glare from the rest of the group.


Half-way through the incredibly uncomfortable dinner, Janet asked if Meredith and Julie could come with her to the bathroom.

"Okay, so hear me out. I'm telling you guys this because you guys are the closest things I have to friends, " she took a deep breath, "-I think I might be pregnant, " she said and let out a huge breath, growing scared by the look on the Hood sister's faces.

"Oh no no no" Meredith kept mumbling over and over again.

"Did you just get pregnant with my brother because of his money?" Julie asked quite angrily.

"What, of course not!" Janet screamed, feeling a little hurt by that statement. "Why would I do that, when I have money of my own?"

Julie sighed, "You're right, I'm sorry"

Meredith placed a hand on Janet's, "Do you think there's a possibility that it isn't Calum's. Look, I love my brother, but he never commit's to anything. And if this baby is his, I don't know if he is going to want to help you."

"It's not your fault, it's just a long time ago, the love of his life broke his heart, and he promised himself that he wouldn't let anyone in like that again. I thought you were finally going to get him out of his shell, and you have, somewhat. But this-"

"-Would send him so far in his shell, he'll end up in China," Julie cut her sister off and mumbled an apology afterward.

Janet wiped away a few tears from her face, "Then what am I supposed to do?" she wept. Julie and Meredith frowned at one another, while they comforted Janet, knowing there was only one option, but it was one they hated.

"It's possible," Janet mumbled as she sniffled and rubbed her face.

"What's possible?" Julie asked.

"It's possible it's not his. I've been with lot's of guys, it could be anyone's" she frowned.

"Do you want to get a paternity test?" Meredith suggested and she rubbed Janet's back.

"No, I don't want to know. Just come with me, to fix the problem one day, please?" she cried.

Julie and Meredith both compiled and pulled her into a heartfelt hug. The three of them just standing there and hugging one another, like it was the last thing they would ever do.


"Okay, what the hell happened between you and Meredith?" Ashton said as he leaned forward and sipped on his milkshake, the other boy's agreeing to his questions wanting to know themselves.

Luke sighed, "She said... That she wants space when we get back. So that we can both, 'figure' ourselves out."

"Bullshit," Michael burst out, "Now I'm not going to get my money," he grumbled.

"Ignore him," Calum started, "But maybe she's right, I mean she did just call off her wedding a week ago. I know you guys love each other, but you can't rush things or else you guys won't work. You can't jump right back into a relationship again."

"Maybe you guys should just be friends for now," Ashton suggested.

"I call bullshit again, Luke hasn't got laid in weeks, and you guys are sitting here and telling him he should wait for another week, month, or whatever how long again because she said he needs to figure himself out? I think Luke here has been figuring himself out for a long time now," Michael stated, and Ashton stopped drinking his vanilla milkshake and pushed it to the side, immediately feeling disgusted.

"I mean, I guess you guys are right. Even if I agree with Michael, I have waited five years for her, I think I can wait a little longer," Luke said positively, "But I mean, we made plans together. She said she was going to go back to college in the fall, and we would move in together,"

"Wait, what?" Calum said, his dark eyes widened.

"You guys are going to move in together in the fall. That's like in three month's," Ashton spoke up.

"So?" Luke asked, turning his head slightly as he looks confusedly at his bandmates.

"Dude, don't you think it's too soon, and Stanford is in California, how the hell are we supposed to make music and perform when you are halfway across the world?" Calum sighed and ran a hand over his face, and Luke's eyes widened, that question eating him up on the inside because he never even thought of that.

Author Note: I know some of you guys probably don't a agree with Janet's decision, and I know that I'm the writer and I decide what happens, but this will lead to future events. I personally have no input on the subject, but that I think it's up to the person who is put in the situation, and that was just Janet's choice. But do you guys think it was Calum' s baby, and how you do you think the three of them are going to keep it from him? Guess you'll have to find out, and Comment if you think I should make a sequel. This book is not done yet, but just let me know.

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