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I was sitting on the couch for last twenty minutes and listening to my dad who was just trying to convince me to go back to our grandfather' haweli (House) but I am really not in the mood to go back there it was so depressing, my grandfather was a landlord and lived in his town whole life, he had a luxurious lifestyle there, but the environment was so boring, I had been there once when dad was going to marry Areesha's mother and those were the horrible days of my life I spent there, and now my dad want me to go back there with Areesha after our marriage.

I was feeling a bit disgusted to be married to her, she is really not my type and I can't marry her I want my Jenny back, I wanted to go back to London to my Jenny but it was not easy to go there when I don't have a penny in my bank account now a days. I looked at my dad, he was still saying something to me, I sighed and took out my earphones from my ears under my hoodie and locked my cell phone.

"Are you done?" I asked

"You weren't listening to me?" dad asked

"Yeah, I wasn't listening to you there are many things I have to deal with so I am going out from now I can't listen more and one more thing I am not going to marry Areesha, I will find a way to get money for you but for now don't ask me to marry her again. Okay dad!" I said and left the room

"AKIL BAKHT! Come back here!" dad shouted across the room, but I didn't pay attention to him and closed the door behind me, I started walking through the driveway when I saw my friend Uzair's car pulled into the driveway, after some moments he got out of the car and walked towards me. Uzair was my childhood friend we both grew up in London; we both were similar in all the ways or I can say he was my partner in all the crimes just with the difference that he was the only heir of millionaire Mr. Ejaz. This was the first time he came to my house after he came back from England.

"Hey man! Where are you now days? You didn't show up in Imran's part last week. Zebby was missing you but don't worry, I gave her my company and you know every girl love to be with me" He said winking at me

"Yeah man I was just busy with some things, so when did you come back from Spain? You said you will be staying there for a month" I smiled and asked him as we walked into the living room.

"Yes, I was gone for a month, but dad needed me here to look after the business, dad's condition is not so good nowadays so I have to come back early, " he answered, I nodded and stood up to call Areesha to bring some refreshments for us, after giving her some orders I came back and sat next to Uzair who was now watching football match on T.V.

"There had been some rumors going around about you, " he said and I looked at him and gave a questioning look, "What rumors?" I asked.

"That you are getting married soon and it's not jenny that you will be marrying" he replied, "No, I am not getting married anytime soon, Uzair you know me, I can't marry anyone else other than Jenny." I answered and motioned Areesha to come in who was standing near the door; she doesn't come in the room when my friends came.

She didn't budge after she saw Uzair sitting there and I asked her to come in but again she didn't come. What's wrong with this girl?

"Come on Areesha we don't have whole day waiting for you! Come in and serve!" I shouted. She hesitantly came in along with the tray filled with food and drink and placed It on the table and walked out, but I saw Uzair' expression changed when he saw her and I know exactly what he was thinking.

Oh, this is going to be good! I thought as an idea came into my mind

"Who was she?" he asked, taking a sip of a drink.

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