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"Mention his name one more time and you will not see him alive," he said coming dangerously closer to me, his demeanor was scaring me right now, his eyes cold as ice, those gray eyes were fill with anger looking back into mine, I lowered my gaze and pushed him away with all my strength but he didn't budge a little just chuckled at my actions and caressed his forefinger along my jaw making me stiffen in my place, "Don't do this again, don't get yourself into this kind of situation and why in the bloody hell you left from there?" he asked, still his fingers caressing my jaw and cheeks wiping tears from my face, sending chills down my spine, I backed up a bit and jerked his hand from my face, he looked at me surprised,

"You left me there alone, you are the one who drove off leaving me behind alone in this place, I was your responsibility, you are the one who bought me here, I didn't even want to come here in first place," I said in a hoarse voice, because of screaming and crying I felt pain in my throat, he didn't answer move closer again and opened the glove compartment and took out a water bottle and handed it to me, I hold it with my still shaking hands, I opened the seal and gulp down the water and quench my thirst, "Are you okay now?" he asked,
" no I am not okay, I will never be when I am with you," I answered, feeling my anger rising with no reasons, why this feeling made me more terrified, I can't understand these feeling I had for him, why I felt relieved when he hold me back there, why I felt comfort in his embrace, why his scent relive my tension, why? Why? Why?

"I didn't left you there, I had some important calls to make, I was near the corner but when I returned you were nowhere to be found and when I found you, you were screaming some other guy's name," he said in a low voice, "I am sorry, I shouldn't have left, but it's totally your fault, you are so bipolar," I said, he looked at me raising his perfect eyebrow, "How in the bloody hell is this my fault?" he asked, "I guess as far as I remember you are the one who throw the laptop across the room and marched out in full rage," I replied, looking back in his gray eyes, trying to be brave in front of him, "Let's go, it's getting late," he said after a while and pushed a button bringing engine to life and started driving, "No, first tell where is Aliyaan?" I asked being stubborn, he huffed in annoyance, "He is where he should be," he spat,

"Don't hurt him, please he was just trying to help me," I pleaded, he watched me for a few seconds, "Who is he?" he asked, "How do you know him? Is he your boyfriend?" he asked through gritted teeth, I stared at him, shocked by his words, "Whaatt??? You.. You.. Think he.. Ya Allah... Astagfirullah..." I stuttered, feeling tears pooling in my eyes again, but I didn't let them fall, "how can you say that, huh, why you think so low of me, he is like my brother and you assumed he was my.... Astagfirullah.." I said with anger, "Tell me who he is," he asked, "No, I am not giving you any kind of explanation," I said stubbornly and crossed my arms across my chest,

"Fine, then I will ask him myself," He whispered, "Don't hurt him," I said, "make me," he said challenging me, "Maaz, please don't hurt him, he is my only friend, I found him after all these years please..." I requested, he glanced at me, but didn't utter a word, just keep driving through the silent road, the rest of the drive went in silence, and he stopped his car in front of a beautiful gigantic mansion.
I stared at it with open mouth, he drives through the large pavement across the fountain and opened the underground garage by pressing a button from the controller and parked his car with other cars, "Close your mouth Areesha," he said opening the door of his side.

I instantly close my mouth and looked at his back, he got out of the car and stood there waiting for me, "come on, we don't have all the night," he said, standing there unbuttoning two buttons of his shirt, "I am not coming out of this car, drop me home, I am not going in there," I said, gripping the handle tightly, he stared me for a while and marched towards my side and hold the handle from the other side but I quickly unlocked the doors, "Open the door Areesha," he shouted, but I didn't unlocked the door, "I am not coming out," I shouted back, he glared me angrily and put his hand in pockets to find keys but I saw them in the ignition and took them out, "Looking for these," I asked, showing him his car keys, "Areesha, give me the keys," he yelled, "No, first drop me home," I stated back, he smack the window with his hand in anger, "Come out this instant or else," he threaten me, but I didn't bulge from my place, I am not going in there alone with him at this hour, no way!

I looked around for someone, when I heard a noise of glass shattering, I looked back and saw glass pieces shattered around me and his large hand grab mine, making me scream loud with horror, his bloodied hand gripped mine brutally, with so much strength that made me scream more in pain, he unlocked the door and opened it roughly and dragged me out of the car and released me, I backed up horrified with his anger, he took a step closer making me to take step back a little but my back hit the car, I glanced back through my shoulder and gasped when his large frame caged me between him and the car,

"pl...plea... please... let me go..... I ... I ... can't go in there," I stuttered with my eyes closed, don't have courage to look into his, why this guy is the one who make me feel secure and relax and at the same time scare the hell out of me.
I slowly opened my eyes when he didn't say anything and looked at him, he was staring me again, "I have to meet someone, my driver will drop you off to your home safely, you don't have to be scared," he told me still looking into my eyes, he lifted my dupatta from my shoulders and placed it over my head, "come," he said and backed away from me.

I released the breath I don't know I was holding and walked behind him, keeping a distance between us and adjusted my dupatta on my head properly, I glanced my sideways and looked at these massive collection of classic cars, there were different latest models of Audi, range rover, Aston martin and Ferrari along with other sports cars parked in a second row, I looked at my other side and saw three Lamborghini there, is this real? I asked myself, never in my dream I have seen all these cars, yeah I love the cars, because my father had a huge interest in cars and racing, he even taught me how to drive when I was just fourteen, but never allowed me, he make me promise not to drive until I turn eighteen, I always got fascinated by the cars, my father told me many things about them.

I glanced back at Maaz who was standing by the door waiting for me, I picked up my pace and quickly walked through the doors, he led me to the main door where a car was parked and driver was standing on the right, "Go now," Maaz said and pushed me forward towards the car and without saying goodbye or something went into his mansion and closed the doors, I just stood there silently staring at the closed door when driver opened the back door for me, I slipped in and he closed it, he settled himself in driving seat and started driving.



I shut the door behind me not bothering to look back at her; I leaned my back to the door and ran fingers through my hairs frustrated by these weird feelings,

"This is not the way you treat a woman Maaz," I heard the familiar voice from my right.







Until next time.


Date: 1-4-2017


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