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MarthaElsamrani, Zane Acengiz,Afri 47, Marjaan7626, danisleyhdezs, khsana, karizzmavu, Xainalmran, little fosky, Bevi-najim, zoyabutt, AnayaJaved, Faiza_C, anainaanzar, cluelessbubble, kanimalarmo, ashmuall, Sanyiaa, Humdaaulia, irmeen01, Amritha adhavan,203Sivaranjani, Umtedy, Shayalo,Diuupp.


"Get well soon."


Those three words made me smile and I guess, the pain in my body was a little bit less than earlier, I kept those flowers in a vase and went into the kitchen, where I saw Alex and Adil sitting on the chairs round the counter eating dinner, "Where did this came from?" I asked Alex, pointing towards the meal they were eating, "I ordered it, as you were taking so long with your arrogant Romeo," he said playfully, taking a bite of fried chicken, "Huh!Romeo and Arrogant?, please!" I said and took seat next to Adil, Alex just winks at us, and I was confused right now, why he was acting like this? I am not complaining it, but Alex behavior with us is getting better, but WHY?

"Thank you," I said to Alex, who just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders and continued eating, I filled my plate and started eating quietly, when I noticed uncle was not at home, "Where is Uncle? "I asked, He has gone to Haweli for some work, he will be back till midnight and don't worry, he won't say anything to both of you this time, I will cover it up for you," he told,

"Why?" I asked, a bit surprised by his answer, Why he is doing this? What does he need?

"Dad is going to rebuild the haweli, after that accident, there was nothing left just the ashes, but dad wants it to be built again, he says that place is the last thing he had left from grandpa, he wants to keep it like that," he said,

"No, I didn't mean that, I was asking why are you doing this to us?" I asked again,

"What am I exactly doing?" he asked, not being serious with the conversation we were having,

"This! All of it!" I said pointing towards the dinner and bandages on my arm and ankle,

"What? You didn't want to eat fried chicken and fries, you should have told me earlier, I would have ordered something else," he said again, being non serious,

"Cut it out Alex, just spill the beans already, okay, what do you want? I know you are being nice to us for some purpose, so don't act like I don't know anything, you were the man who bought me back to this hell when I was able to go away, then why you are acting like this?" I asked him harshly, he looked at me then Adil and throw the napkin on his plate, he took a sip of water from the glass, taking his time to answer, making me more impatient,
"Adil, have you finished eating?" he asked Adil, who was sitting quietly on the chair, he nodded.

"There are chocolate cupcakes in the fridge, I brought it for you, go get them," Alex said cheerfully making Adil grin, he took two cupcakes and left the kitchen,

"You are right Areesha, I want something from you, but I will not tell you right now, it's not the correct time, till I will take care of both of you, and for bringing you back, it was not my intention, I saw you leaving the house early in the morning but didn't stopped you, but when dad got to know about you leaving the home, he was furious, he called Rameez to find you, after two hours he told us about you and Adil, the number of bus and the location, dad asked me to go and get you, I didn't wanted to get you back here but I have to clear my position that time, I couldn't go against him so I got you back, but I regretted every second, when I saw what dad did to you and Adil, look Areesha, I am sick and tired of this I just want to go back to my life I don't want to plot any schemes to destroy others or I don't want to get involved in the politics, these things are too much for me, I don't want to live here, I know you can help me after getting married to Maaz. So let's make a deal here, I will support and help you here till you get married and I can promise there won't be any more difficulties for you and for return you will have to do what I will ask after your marriage," he said, I just stared at him with wide eyes, IS HE SERIOUS???

"No, tell me right now what you want, I can't make a deal with you when I don't know what consequences I am going to face, what if you betray me or put me in some kind of danger?" I asked him,

"You can trust me Areesha, I won't betray you," he said in a low voice, "No, and I can't trust you!" I exclaimed, he sighed, "I know I have done terrible things in the past and for those I felt guilty, I know you cannot trust me easily, but you are the only anchor for me to save my life and get out of here, we can help each other Areesha, just think about it," he tried to explain to me, but how can I trust him?

"Whoaaoooo! Api, there is a whole basket filled with chocolates, can I have them, please!!" we were interrupted by Adil, who came to me running excitedly with few chocolate bars in his hands, "No, you have already eaten so much sugar tonight, no more sweets for you, go brush your teeth and change I will be up in a few minutes, okay, go" I instructed him, taking away the chocolates from his hands, "Where did you get these? "I asked, taking the plates to the sink and washed my hands,

"There are two baskets filled with chocolate, one big basket with fruits and another basket with some kind of boxes," he answered and left,

"Where did these baskets come from?" Alex asked, "Maaz has sent them," I answered, washing the dishes and glasses.

"OHH.. He has fallen so badly for you, you know the way he was looking at you at the new year party and then today, I can tell he has something for you," he said smiling like an idiot, I just rolled my eyes at his words.

"Whatever," I said and walk down the hall, leaving him in the kitchen, "Give me your answer tomorrow Areesha!" he shouted from the kitchen. I just ignored him and climb upstairs where Adil was all ready to go to bed, I tucked him in and kissed his forehead, we recited some verses and made our dua, when he was asleep, I got down from the bed and walked into the bathroom, after performing ablution, I spread my prayer mat and offered my prayers, asked Allah SWT to guide me to take the right decision for both of us.

In the morning I told Alex that I will take his deal and in return he will not hurt Adil and will save him from Uncle Javed as well, for which he agreed. I started my day by doing my routine home chores and surprisingly, Alex helped me with them, Uncle was not at home till 12:00 pm, Alex told me Maaz has called him for a meeting with lawyers today, they were going through the contract and will finalize it today.

To be honest, I am scared and having this weird feeling, like something big is going to happen, but I don't know what it is going to be.

I was in my room, sitting on a chair near the window when Alex came in after knocking softly, "You aren't ready?" he asked, frowning, his eyebrow, "Why should I?" I asked him, still looking into the sky,

"Maaz is here, waiting in the lounge for you," he told me,

"Damn! I totally forgot!" I exclaimed and quickly rushed to my closet, searching for a suitable dress to wear, "Did you take your medicines?" Alex asked, "Yes, I have, please go downstairs I will be there in five," I said and walked into the bathroom,

"Well hurry up! You know he is not a patient man," he said, walking out and closed the door.

I quickly changed and brush my hairs, made a side braid and cover my head with dupatta and left the room. I slowly climb down the stairs, keeping my gaze on my feet, when I was on the last one; I looked up only to meet with furious gray ones, making my heart beat fast.







Untill next time

Allah Hafiz


Date: 5-3-2017

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