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I glanced at my reflection in the mirror of living room, satisfied with my appearance, I sighed and sat on the couch waiting for uncle and Alex to come downstairs. Adil was sitting next to me reading, rhyme from the book I had brought for him. I have been home tutoring him and I can say he is a smart kid.

"Api I have read this book so many times can you bring me some other books I am tired of reading this one" he said and closed the book.

"Sure, I will bring some writing and story books for you next time I go for grocery shopping" I replied and glanced at the wall clock which was showing it was 8:30 by now, uncle has instructed me to be ready till 8:00 and now they both are taking their time. After waiting for more ten minutes they both walked past us motioning us to come along, we both stood up and walked out of the house, uncle gave me the keys to lock the door and got into the car, taking a deep breath I opened the car's back door.

"Ya Allah keeps us safe" I sent a silent prayer and sat in the car and Alex drove off to the destination.

After thirty minutes' drive, we reached at the port where so many boats, ships and cruises were parked, we got out of the car and Alex handed the keys to the valet and we all headed towards the luxurious cruise which was decorated lavishly, as we were walking on the aisle, I saw some paparazzi's at the middle, they all had encircled some peoples and were asking questions to them, ignoring them I hold Adil's hand and walked pass and kept walking behind uncle.

"Wow Api this is beautiful!" he exclaimed excitedly. I don't know, but I was starting to feel anxiety as we were walking to the cruise, as we stepped on a man in a white suit asked for the invitation card, uncle handed him, he smiled and let us pass through the security. Another man escorted us to the main hall and my god! It was so exquisite.

"You two should behave or else you know better" Uncle warned us and walked towards a group of men. Alex was nowhere to be seen, so we both started to roam in the hall.

"Api! It's moving can we go out?" Adil asked as we heard the bell and this cruise started moving.

"Not now Adil maybe later" I replied, he nodded and we both started walking towards the windows.

There were so many guests, all dressed formally, women showing off their expensive jewelries and clothing to one another and busy in gossips and men engaged in conversation. We both headed towards the buffet table which consists of different cuisine dishes. I picked up a plate and gave it to Adil, he filled his plate with brownies, donuts and cookies.

"Easy there buddy, take one thing at a time you should not fill your plate like that it's bad manners" I whispered in his ear.

"Oh, sorry Api, I was just a bit excited to see all this." he said sheepishly. "It's okay, but don't do it again, " I said and we both sat down on nearby chairs. We both were just looking at the peoples there and admiring the interior of this cruise. We sat there for some time Later, Alex came to us and asked us to follow him. We both quietly walked behind him.

"Adil, there is a playing area for children you can go and have fun there." Alex said to Adil and grabbed him from his arms and led him to the playing area and pushes him through the doors. "Don't come out until I come to get you" he said and came back to me.

"You could be a bit gentle with him, he is just a boy!" I said a bit angry how he handled Adil.

"Do I look like I care?" he asked mockingly

"Come, I need you to meet someone, " he said and move towards the stairs, he led me to the upper deck where no one was there, cold winds were blowing and I felt chills run down my spine just not because of cold because of fear. I was with Alex and I could expect anything from him and the way he was acting right now was weird.

"Pull your hairs down Areesha, this hair style don't suit you." he said pointing at my side bun.

"No its fine and why do you care how I style my hairs?" I asked him anger lapping my words by his comment.

"Fine! Do whatever you want, but don't humiliate yourself in front of him or do anything stupid." He said and strode towards the pool, where I saw that same man who was with Alex that day, holding a glass of drink in his hand and a mischievous smile on his lips.

"Hey Uzair, meet Areesha and Areesha this is Uzair my friend." He introduced me to him.

"Hello, it's nice meeting you Areesha I have heard so much about you." Uzair said outstretching his hand for a shake.

"Hello, " I said in a low voice and didn't extend my hand, just kept my gaze down feeling a bit uneasy with both of them.

"Okay, you guys chat I will go check on dad" Alex said and walked away after taking an envelope from Uzair. I looked at him a bit shocked by his behavior.

"You are looking pretty tonight, " he said, eyeing me up and down.

"May be I should go back to Adil" I said and tried to walk past him but he roughly grabbed my wrist.

"Not so fast, " he said coming close to me, that's when I realize he was a bit drunk

"Leave my hand, " I said, trying to wriggle free my hand from his grasp

"I just want to have a closer look for you after all I am paying for you" he spoke incoherently

"Let go of me!" I shouted, as his grip tightened around my shoulders

"Don't raise your voice in front of me, " he yelled back and inhales deeply lowering his head to the crook my neck.

"You know I have committed for tonight, but I can change it if you want, " he whispered in my ear.

I wriggle free from his grasp and slapped him hard on his face. He looked at me a bit shocked for a moment, but soon his eyes filled with anger.

"Oh, that was the biggest mistake of your life!" he said and move towards me again, but I dodged him and ran away in the opposite direction. I looked at my back where I found Uzair coming after me with, I tried to run faster, but these heels were not helping me at this moment. Tears were running down my face, which was making my eyesight a bit blurred, I turned around again to see him again and found him standing near pool stairs bending a bit and breathing hard. I took that time and descended down the stairs and ran along the railing, I couldn't remember where the main hall was.

"Areesha don't be scared I was just kidding" I heard him from a distance, scared of this situation I started running towards the other set of stairs as I climb up I bumped into some one hard that he lose his balance and stumble forward a bit.

"Oh my god! I am sorry I really am, I didn't see you there, " I said and looked at the man to whom I bumped but I guess today my luck is not in my favor.

He was the rudest man I met that day, glaring at me, I mumbled sorry again and before he could say anything I ran away from there, I saw the ladies' room and sprinted towards it and lock the door from inside, I leaned on the closed door, breathing hard, I clean the tears from my face, after a while when my breathing came to normal I move to the sink and splash some cold water on my face. My eyes were puffy and red I splash some more water on my face and took a long breath, tie my opened hairs into a bun again and looked my reflection in the mirror. I just want this night to be over now; I swear I won't attend any party again.


How was it?






Until next time


Date: 21-1-2017

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