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I was transferred into a room, unwillingly, I asked the nurses why did they transfer me in this private room, they just answered that they got orders from their superiors. Guess what! Their "SUPERIOR" also ordered me to stay here like he just owns me! Jerk!

So, here I am waiting for Mr. superior to get back have a talk and let me go back to my hell hole so I can go live in it, with my devils.

There was a knock on the door and a doctor came in with two nurses, I was on the bed with Adil sitting next to me, "Hello, Miss Areesha, I am doctor Munazza, I am an attendant here, and I was asked to check up on your injuries, shall we begin?" she asked, I nodded and one nurse took Adil with her out of the room, After checkup and dressing my wounds and getting C.T of my ankle she asked the nurse to wait outside. She looked into the I-pad and type something and closed it, she looked at me like she wanted me to start telling her something, I frowned an eyebrow at her, she smiled, and "I know you didn't get into an accident, someone has beaten you up pretty badly," she said, I just stared at her with wide eyes, "do you want to talk about it? Or you can report it to the cops," she said, "No, no cops please," I said in a low voice, that's the reason I don't like to go to the hospitals, doctors know everything and it gets hard for me to cover up.

"Look Areesha, you are in the same age of my daughter, I can help you, you just have to tell me who did this to you, it's not right to support the abuse, feel free to talk to me," she said, holding my bandaged hand, tears welled up in my eyes, it's the first time someone offered me a help, but I can't take it, I just can't!

"Thank you for your concern doctor Munazza but I can't tell you, I am sorry." I said keeping my head low,

"I can understand child, I won't force you, here take my card, feel free to call me anytime, whenever you need my help, okay," she said, handing me her card, I took it from her and gave a weak smile, "Thank you," I said wiping my tears. "Don't mention it," she said and pulls out a notepad and started writing something on it,

"Can I ask you something?" I asked, she looked at me giving me a questioning look,
"Why did......" I was cut in by the voice of the door opening and there came Mr. superior/ rude

"You should have knocked before coming in" Doc Munazza said to him,

"How is she?" he asked, ignoring her question,
"She is fine, no serious injuries, but she is weak, need good diet and rest, make sure she gets it, I am giving her some supplements along with this ointment for her ankle, Areesha, you will have to come back for follow up checkup next week ok dear," she said, politely giving me the prescription note which he grabs it from her,

"Thank you Miss Munazza, for coming here in just one phone call," he said, closing the door behind her when she left, he turned to me, making me feel uncomfortable under his stare again, why he does this? Does he enjoy staring at girls or is it his habit or something?

"Doctor had already checked me up in E.R then why to bother disturbing her?" I asked, "In the E.R it was just an intern, I wanted the best doctor to have a look at you," he answered and I just rolled my eyes at him,

"What you wanted to talk about?" I asked,

"Why were you crying?" he asked me, ignoring my question again.

"I...I wasn't" I stuttered, wait a minute was he eavesdropping on us?

"Your eyes are red and puffy, there are tear stain on your cheeks, so don't lie to me?" he said,

"Why do you care if I was crying or not just talk to me you wanted to and let me go to my home," I said angrily, who does he think he is?

"Get up! We are going," he ordered and left the room, "What is wrong with him?" I said, and slowly get down from the bed, he was standing near the door waiting for me to come, he offered me his hand, but I ignored it and keep walking to the main door, he called someone from my behind and ask them to bring Adil, as I reached the exit door, Adil came to me happily, "Api! You will not believe it, I was there with some other kids and they were so nice to me and look that nurse gave me a goodie bag there is a birthday celebration of this kid, he is just like me, but he is very sick, I pray to Allah to give him health and take away that disease he is suffering from," he said sadly, I hold his hand in mine, "just pray for him okay, Allah like to listens to the kids, In Sha Allah, that boy will get well soon." I said walking out of the hospital, I glanced up to see Mr. rude, who was walking beside me quietly typing on his phone, he look up and signaled a guard when a black sleek Mercedes pulled up in front of us, he walked to the driving seat and get in leaving me and Adil standing there, "Are you coming or not?" he yelled, sitting inside the car, Okay, that's it!

HER INNOCENCE TAMED MY MONSTERWhere stories live. Discover now