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Alex told me that today, uncle Javed is going to meet Maaz, in his office to discuss something important and I am just praying that he just don't mess anything up now, or else I will be stuck here forever, I know I sound mean but what can I do? I have to get myself and Adil get out of this miserable house, away from my step dad and I will do anything to get away, but meanwhile I am in the dinning room cleaning the shelves and all the antique utensils, I was busy in my work and engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't listen the voice of uncle's car, when he enter the house he called out my name loudly making me drop few dishes from my hands but luckily I got hem before they could touch the ground and broken into little pieces like my life is right now, besides that I don't want to be beat up on my engagement day.

"Engagement day" every girl's big day but for me it's just a normal day, I don't have any kind of excitement or any happiness for this day, I just feel the same, lonely and alone in this world, I missed my parents so much today, they have so many dreams for for me but today I will be engaged to man who is going to marry me for his benefits, I am just another deal for him, why can't anyone ever teat me like a human? I have feelings also... but here everyone thinks for themselves no one cares for anyone else, how they might hurt others badly, I don't want to be like them, my parents never taught me to be like that person, but now I guess to survive, I have to learn it, I have to learn how to use others for my benefits, but the reality is that I don't want to be like them, I hate to hurt others, so I have to be me, I don't want to change my self, if I hate those people so why to be like them, why not to teach them that there is another way get what you want without using and hurting others. I know Allah SWT will guide me, In Sha Allah...

"Areesha!" I heard uncle's voice again, I quickly got up from my place and rushed to him, he was sitting on a sofa with a brown envelop in his hands, "Sit," he ordered as he saw me,standing near the door, I slowly walked towards him and sit down in front of him on a chair, he handed me the papers and a pen, "Sign these documents so I will send them back to Maaz," he said, "Why do I have to sign them?" I asked, " just sign them Areesha, don't ask me anything," he said irritated, "No,I won't sign anything until you tell me what it is about," I said, he glared at me, "just sign them Areesha!" he shouted this time, "No!" I said stubbornly, "Just give me few minutes to read them," I said but he grabbed me roughly from my fore arm and jerked me up, "Sign them or else you wont ever see Adil again in your life," he threaten and increased his grip on my arm, making me whince in pain, "Just let me read it once," I pleaded not wanted to sign any official document before having a look at them, uncle sighed, "I have mentioned some points for your benefits in this contract and Maaz has asked to get your signs on them before proceeding further, so just sign them, they are totally in your favour and Maaz agreed to revised the contract and add theses points on it, he just want your consent, that's it" he told me after releasing me, "But still I want to have a look," I stated again, "You are just like your stubborn mother," he said annoyed by me.

He took those papers from the table and handed me a pen, "sign them Areesha without uttering another word, you know me well, what I can do to you and to your little brother, so don't tempt me to do those thing to you," he warn me, and I knew exactly what he was saying about, I can bear anything but he will hurt Adil again and he is just too small to bear that pain again, I can't let this happen to him again, I pulled the cap of the pen and signed those papers having few glimpse of the lines, I was about to sign on the last paper when uncle got a call from Maaz,

"Yes, Mr. Jaferi, I will be there in thirty minutes, you don't have to wait long, my lawyer has completed all the paperwork and he will be arriving at your office in a while, yes, yes, I know that, I will be there soon," uncle was busy talking and I got the time to read all the papers and I was a bit shocked while reading them, they were indeed in my favor and for my security after the marriage, but in everything uncle got his own share as well, so I guess I can work with that, uncle turned around after cancelling the call and I signed the last paper quickly and gave those documents to him "Get me a coffee," he ordered, I nodded and left from there.

HER INNOCENCE TAMED MY MONSTERWhere stories live. Discover now