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Enjoy! :)


I woke up by the sound of knocking on my door, "Maaz! Wake up!" I heard Nani ma from the other side,

"Come on not again," I murmured, and throw the pillow on the floor and got up from my bed and proceeded towards the door,
"Maaz! Wake up, it's time for Fajr beta, wake up," she called out and I lazily opened the door,
"Allhumdullilah, you are awake, come on hurry up, go, do the ablution and pray, there is no much time left," she said tapping my shoulders,

"Okay!" I said, as she left I turned around and locked the door and walked back and throw myself in bed and drifted back to sleep.

I again woke up by the sound of annoying alarm, I turned around and turn it off, and got up from the bed and went to the washroom and took a quick cold shower and changed into my usual suit, after getting dressed I took my phone and other things from the night stand and exited the bedroom and walked to the dining room where as expected Nani ma was waiting for me while sipping her herbal tea, "Are you fine Maaz?" she asked scanning my face, "Yes, why did you asked?" I asked, "Well, your eyes re red, did you sleep well?" she asked me again,

"Yeah, I slept well," I lied and took a mouthful of my eggs benedict, avoiding her gaze, how can I tell her that all night I wasn't able to sleep for a once, all night I have been thinking about the one and only girl I ever wanted in my life, but my fate is now playing a cruel game with me again, the last thing I ever asked from Allah, was to be with my Areesha, to spend my life with her, but NO! I have to marry the girl that I hate the most, wait, I don't hate her that much, I hate his father, the man behind ruining my life, just for his enjoyment.

"Okay, can you please pick Areesha today and bring her here?" Nani ma asked, picking up a glass of orange juice.

"Why?" I asked, continued with my task,

"She has to get ready for today's occasion, and I have called Alizeh as well, I want to prepare Areesha myself, she is so sweet girl, I really like her, she is exactly the same girl I wanted for you, May Allah keep both of you happy and blessed," she said, I glanced at my wrist watch and stood up from the chair, taking the last sip of my black coffee,

"Okay, I will send driver, to get her," I said and bend down to kiss her on the cheeks,
"No! you are going to bring her here!" she said, "Nani ma! I have lots of work to do; I can't spare extra time on her!" I said,

"Beta, she is going to be your wife, she must be your first priority," she said holding my hand, I sighed,

"Okay, I will bring her here, now are you happy?" I asked, she smiled

"That's like my boy!" she said and I stood up straight and bid goodbye to her and exited from the main door and proceeded towards the awaiting car and when I got in I opened my laptop and called my lawyer, who told me Javed wants to meet me till 9:00 am, I told him to get the papers ready and called my assistant to arrange a private meeting with Javed, after getting satisfied with both of them, I go through some new mails and started checking yesterday's audit report.

Driver parked the car in the underground parking lot and I got down from the car and pushed the button on my private elevator, I got in and pressed the button for the sixty fourth floor, my assistant was right behind me when I exited from the elevator, "Sir, I have arranged your meeting with Mr.Javed Bakht at 8:30 am, he will be here with his lawyer, you have a meeting with Ahmed group industries at 12:00pm, and before that, all your Chief Finance officers will be here for the presentation on yesterday's audit, and till 4:00pm you have an appointment with..."

HER INNOCENCE TAMED MY MONSTERWhere stories live. Discover now