Chapter 5: Powerless (Part 2)

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Yay part two has finally been uploaded! Quick, start reading!

Picture: Stormy sky

Song: Set Fire to the Rain by Adele


Her twin was in a seriously bad mood. Hayden kept pacing around the room, mumbling and swearing. She’d been like that since first period. It was now getting close to one thirty in the morning, almost time to leave to prepare for the ritual, and she still hadn’t calmed down yet.

“Who does he even think he is!?” Hayden shouted again more to herself than to Aria. The he, obviously meant Tanner Preston.  “He talks to me like I’m nothing, as if I were garbage!” Aria knew very well that her sister didn’t like being treated that way by anyone; it reminded her too much of back home. 

“Hay” Aria tried to calm her twin down. “He’s a Day Walker, he thinks that he’s better than us Nights. Stop getting all worked up about it, they’re all like that.”

“I am not getting worked up about it!” Hayden immediately objected pointing a finger at her. “I don’t care what that stupid, arrogant, self-centered vampire says.” She sighed, and tried to calm herself down, again. “What time is it?” Her twin asked Aria with a sigh.

“Time to go” She answered. “Do you have everything?”

“Of course I do!” Hayden snapped. As soon the words left her mouth, Hayden revived herself, obviously aware that she was getting a little too on edge. “Sorry, it’s just that Preston got me so angry. But not worked up.”

“Well, you’d better calm down.” Aria commented. “If you’re too angry, the ritual might go wrong or something like that, and it’ll all be on you.” She didn’t mean to make it sound so accusing, but sadly it was true. Aria looked at her watch. “One thirty exact, c’mon if you want to have time to set everything up before everyone gets there.”

“You could help too you know.” Hayden pointed out. “It might make things go a lot faster.”

“It’s your circle Hayden, so you need to take care of the preparations, not me.” She responded, climbing out the window. The teachers still didn’t want them leaving their dorms after class, and Aria was pretty sure that so far, no Walker had respected that rule. By forbidding it, it just made everyone want to do it even more.        

Hayden still had her eyes covered with Aria’s sparkly tacky sunglasses; there was a sight glow in the lenses, but you could only notice it up close. Aria hadn’t understood why her twin hadn’t told the rest of the circle about her condition. Why did the Day Walker need to know? There were still certain things that Aria didn’t really understand about her sister, certain things that Hayden refused to talk about. Was that a good or a bad thing? 

They walked in silence to the woods. Aria knew better than to say anything, Hayden was finally calming down and the slightest thing could set her off again. She wondered what Tanner could have possibly said to get her sister so angry; her twin had been rambling on about it all day, but Aria hadn’t paid as much attention as she should have. Again, she wasn’t exactly the best sister in the world.

Eventually, without any problems, they made their way to the center of the forest. Her twin started to set the eighteen candles all around them, as Aria sat down on a tree trunk and read a magazine. She wasn’t sure why they needed eighteen candles; in fact she wasn’t even sure about the ritual they were doing. Hayden got all of her information out of the Night Walker Book of Rituals, and she spontaneously decided if they should do it or not.  She’d been like this since they were twelve, when she’d found the book rotting to dust on a shelf in their small library back at home.

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