54. Kai (Jongin-Day)

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Kai and I have been dating for years, but none of his fans knew. Yes, I know, there have been rumors of him with other girls or idols, but he always told me to never worried about it. I was never the suspicious girlfriend who always asked him where he is or what he's doing 24/7. I rarely see him ever since his new comeback. There was a concert tonight and with D.O and Suho's help, I was able to get the ticket. Of course, I dressed nicely and all, but I was just so happy to see my boyfriend again. The concert was very crowded and it was very hard to get in but I somehow got to the front row seat. I sat down and went on my phone. I was 30 minutes early but fans were coming in already. I tap on finger on the arm of the chair and waited.
30 minutes
The lights turned off and everyone was on their feet. I could hear For Life playing and then, the members appeared on stage. I looked around and saw a glimpse of Kai. He was all the way across the stage. I tried to call for him but my voice drowned in the sea of fans singing or screaming. Suho saw me in the front row and smiled. I waved and looked over at Kai. Suho saw what the situation was but he ignored.... I was glum. Kai didn't see me. I wanted to give up and stopping calling for him. I wanted to leave. Kai finally walked over to my area when the song was over. Suho ran over to Kai and pointed at me. Kai looked at his pointing direction. He widen his eyes and looked at me. I wave shyly and smiled. FINALLY! I HAVE BEEN NOTICED BY SENPAI! Kai ran over to me and wave. I wanted to lean in and hug him and kiss him but I didn't want to do it in front of the fans. After the song ended, the members ran off the stage to change for the next song. Kai walked away, making me feel sad seeing him gone. I look at my phone and didn't see any messages from Kai. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and saw...... a man. He was wearing black clothing with his shirt saying security. He escorted me to the back of the stage where I saw Chen and SeHun talking to each other in their new outfits. They both bowed and greeted me when I walked by. I then walked into the makeup room and saw Kai buttoning up his shirt.
"Ahh!" I screamed and covered my mouth. Kai looked out and saw me.
"Yah! Don't scream like that or I'll think you're a fangirl," he said. I smiled and immediately ran up to hug him.
"I miss you baby," I mutter. He wrapped his arms around me as I laid my head on his chest.
"Why are you at my concert?" He asked. I looked up and frowned.
"You thought I forgot? It's your birthday," I kissed his cheek.
"Ahh, you remembered! I was only expecting a text or a call, but you here with me, is so much better," he squeeze me until I told him to stop.
"I didn't get you a gift, I'll take you out for fried chickens once you're not busy anymore," I pinch his nose and smiled.
"Ah really? Thank you! Why did I do to deserve such a beautiful and kind girlfriend?" He kissed me.
"I have to go. Stay here and wait for me," he added. I nodded and watched him as he walked away. I sat down on the couch and played on my phone. I couldn't stop smiling. I missed Kai's hugs, his kisses, his voice, his everything.
Anyone would have thought I was an idiot for smiling this long.

After his song, I could hear his fans singing him a happy birthday from right outside the room. I got up and walk to the end of the stage. I saw Chanyeol holding the cake in front of Kai. Everyone was singing him a happy birthday and so did I... silently. I smiled and clapped as Kai blew out the candles. Kai took the microphone to give a little speech.
"Thank you everyone for the support and for this opportunity. EXO, EXO-L, and this one special person, had help me through everything. This special person, is the reason why I'm still on this stage. She gave me courage, strength, love and everything I could ask for. I've keep my love life a secret, but I think everyone here and watching, deserve to see who this special girl is. She's actually in the makeup room. I'll go get her," he bowed and walked off the stage, but he then saw me at the edge of the stage, watching everything. He gestured me to come out but I shook my head. He walked closer to me and pull me by my wrist. We walked to the center of the stage. He wrap his arm around me and looked out at the audience.
"Y/N, my girlfriend," he introduced me. The members gathered all around us.
"I love you," he spoke through the mic and looked at me. I blushed and looked out at the audience.
"My wish, is to be with Y/N, forever and everyone to accept our relationship," he said. He took his hand off my shoulder and into his pocket. He then took out a box and opened it, revealing a ring. All the members gasp by I could see D.O smirking. Lay looked as if he was about to faint and Xiumin was squealing so hard.
"My love, My everything, I want to spend everyday with you forever. Without you, I've would've never realize what love is or what it meant. I love you. Will you be my wife and marry me?" He ask me. I was in shock. I couldn't respond nor move, but all I did was nod. I covered my mouth and all I did was nod.
"Yes," I finally found my voice and began to cried. I hugged Kai and cried.
"She said yes!" I heard one of the member yelled. Everyone cheered. We made a group hugged. Kai and I stood side by side, holding hands, smiling.
"We would like to welcome, Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim," BaekHyun spoke. We all then walked off the stage.
"Kai, I-..." I didn't know what to say. I was too happy.
"I don't know any other words other to say is, I love you. I love you, Kai. I love you," I hugged him again.
"I love you Miss. Kim. You're the only gift I want for my birthday," he mutter into my ear.

HEHEHEHE, sorry, this was unintended. Happy Birthday Kai and D.O! I'll update whenever I feel like it, but thank for the support on this and pleaseeeeee go read My Idol Life!
- Kang Sun Yoon

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