Chapter 1 The Assignment

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  "Stupefy", Hermione shouted to the training battle dummy in front of her, but as she looked around, they began to surround her. She looked up to see a chandelier hanging directly above where she was standing, and she waited until the right moment before aiming her wand at it's chain. "Relashio."

  She did a somersault between two of them as the chain broke and turned around to see all the training dummies get crushed by the chandelier.

  "Evanesco." She turned to see who casted the spell, and saw Harry Potter pointing his wand at where the crash had just taken place. The mess disappeared, and suddenly the room was clear again. "Well done today, Hermione", he said putting his wand away. Even after all these years, he's still there to help her out.

  "Always good to be prepared. It's always good to be prepared for anything", she said as she put her wand away as well. Hermione started doing extra training when she first became an Auror after her seventh year of Hogwarts when she returned to take her N.E.W.T.S. Harry, Ron and Hermione were all offered jobs as Aurors since they fought in the war, but Hermione denied it and chose to return to Hogwarts to complete their final year, as did Harry and Ron. It used to be that Hermione would get nightmares from the war. Whether it was sleeping or daydreaming, the images of her friend's blood getting spilt, and their lifeless bodies falling every second burned in her brain. At Hogwarts she would simply study more and read as much as possible to distract her mind, and a few times her friends thought she needed serious help, but she refused. Now, she trains more and more everyday. When she first got the job that was the reason, but now it was just a habit.

  "Anything?", Harry said with a questioning look. She knew that look immediately. It meant he had some bad news to break to her. She had gotten used to it after her second year of Hogwarts when she realized they never went looking for trouble. Trouble seemed to find them, but that doesn't mean she ever enjoyed it.

  "Alright, out with it", she said and waited for him to tell her the bad news.

  "I'm putting you on a new assignment."

  "Brilliant, which one?", Hermione always felt honored being given assignments. Using magic was something she enjoyed. It's helped her a lot in situations and it made her realize that she'd rather stay in the wizard world than the Muggle world.

  "The Lestrange One", Harry said as the two of them started to head toward Harry's office.

  "Radolphus? What's he up to this time?" As they entered the office, Harry went to search through his files.

  "That's your goal to find out. He forced an attack on St. Mungo's a week ago and a month ago he and others were found in the department of Mysteries in the room next to the prophecies", he said as he placed all the others back in the drawer before handing her the Lestrange file.

  "...but wait, there's more", Hermione said, knowing there was more to the story. Harry wouldn't have been so hesitant if he was telling her something she enjoyed.

  "The bad news is..." Before he could finish, the door to Harry's office burst open.

  "Alright, Potter, I'm here. What's my assignment?" The voice ran through Hermione's ears, and she recognized it immediately. No way. She knew absolutely one hundred percent that Harry would never have assigned her to a mission with Draco Malfoy.

  "You'll be working with Malfoy", he said and waited for the argument to begin. The two of them glared at each other before glaring back at Harry.

  "WHAT?", Hermione and Draco shouted in sync. "Harry, are you crazy? We'd end up killing each other", Hermione said with a disgusted look on her face. "I mean come on, it's Malfoy", she said as if he was not even in the room.

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