Chapter 7 A Night Out

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  Harry and Hermione finished another meeting with the other remaining Aurors that weren't injured before heading back to their offices, and she was surprised to see Ginny sitting in one of her chairs. It was quite startlingly at first, and she nearly screamed, but then she entered the room a little more. "Ginny, what are you doing here? I thought you were swamped with Quidditch articles this afternoon?"

  "I took an early lunch, plus I wanted to talk to you about something." Hermione started to question what on earth she would want to talk to her about, and a million things raced through her mind as she made her way over to her desk.

  "Alright, go ahead."

  "I was wondering if you wanted to join me and Harry for a night out this Friday?", Ginny asked and hoped that she would say yes. She had been so busy with work lately that she basically deserved a night to enjoy herself with her friends.

  "Alright, I'll go, but I really need to get started on some more training. I'll talk to you more later on it, alright?", she said as a slight smile started to form on Ginny's face until it was a full smile. A few minutes later, Ginny dismissed herself to get back to the Quidditch articles. Hermione decided that it was time for herself to get some more training done. She made her way to the training room rather quickly.

  The Room stayed empty and peaceful. Just the way that she liked it. She sat in silence for a little while longer until she casted a spell to start up tasks, and made sure to set it to face her biggest fears.

  She closed her eyes for a second, and took it all the peacefulness that was about to end as she reopened her eyes and saw dark wizards heading her way. They were running in every direction, and she managed to hit all of them with stunning spells, but it changed to them holding her friends captive. "Tell us where the location of the Order is."

  "Never." Dolohov smirked smirked and looked at the other death eaters.

  "Alright, you heard her", he said to the other dark wizards that surrounded them.

  "CRUCIO", was heard from different parts of the room. She watched as all her friends fell to the floor and whimpered and screamed in pain. 

  "It's not real. It's not real", she told herself. The screams only seemed to get louder and louder as they echoed through her ears, and burned into her brain, but she refused to give up the location.

  "Don't give it to them Hermione!", the illusion of Neville said to her.

  The anger grew and grew as her blood boiled inside her. "Bombarda!" All she saw was dust as it flooded the room and her vision.

  She closed her eyes so the dust wouldn't get in them, but suddenly she saw Draco and Ron standing in two different corners. "Hermione, join me", Ron said as he reached his hand out. "Come, my love", she was about to take a step forward, but suddenly someone spoke up.

  "Don't do it, Granger", Draco said boldly. "He's hurting you. You're only going to be dragged down with his bad choices." She looked back and forth between the two boys, and didn't know what to do.

  "He has no idea what he's talking about. Your my prize possession. You know I'd never hurt you. He's the one who's hurt you over and over again, calling you a mudb...."

  "Hermione?", she slammed her hand on the control panel to clear the room as a new voice entered the room. "What are you doing?"

  "Harry?", she said as she spotted the jet black hair and glasses. "Don't you have a case to talk about with Luna and Blaise?" She placed her wand back in her pocket.

  "Yes. I also think that you have been spending too much time in the training room. 'Mione, I'm putting you on training suspension." She jaw fell open wide at his statement.

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