Chapter 12 Lies That Can Kill

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  It took Hermione three days to get out of St. Mungo's, and an extra day to rest for a few more pepperup potions, but she wasn't on bed-rest anymore.

  She stayed with Ron as he healed from the stab. She held his hand, and was there for him through everything. "I hope you get better Ron", she said to his sleeping body. "I know you will."

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  Luna and Blaise spent the next day of work talking about the case. "I didn't see Grindelwald there, only Radolphus. Both of them are up to something, and I'm not sure what it is. A lot of people are going to get hurt and a lot of people are getting hurt now." Blaise stared at the map like it was going to give him answers, but even magic, especially dark, leaves traces.

  There was something weird about all the places that he attacked. "June, 19th, July 19th, August 19th... wait a minute. Luna, give me the another map."

  Blaise drew a star by all the places he attacked, and they seemed to forms shape. "This is it."

  "He's attacking in a circle on the same day of each month. How are we this thick to let that slip past us?", Luna said with a hint of annoyance. "There next attack is September 19th. So it's going to be somewhere in Diagon Alley, or possibly Knockturn Alley." The two alleys were quite close to each other. So it was a possibility of either one.

  "Tell the Aurors to be ready for that day. Maybe we can finally catch Grindelwald, and put this nonsense to rest. Something that we all need right now, Luna. Some more than others." He stared at the map and pondered about the attacks. First Potter's house, then Weasel gets hurt in Hogsmeade. Something very stranger was also going on, and he needed to talk to someone who knew his way around hiding in attacks. Theo.

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  "Will you drop this already?! You're barking! There's no way Harry Potter would be behind this. He cares about his friends and family around him. So just drop this", Hermione was annoyed with Draco thinking that even for a second, Harry would even consider hurting his friends.

  "Why would he stab his own best friend?", Draco asked her, but his accusations weren't logical in her head.

  "That's the point! He didn't and he never will. He would never do something as barbaric as that. You're blinded by hatred."

  "No, I'm not."

  "Yes you are", she said as she raised her voice, which was something she rarely ever did unless she was really angry. She raised her voice at Draco when she punched him in the face, she yelled at Ron during the Yule Ball, and she yelled at Ron again when he came back during the horcrux hunt. However, things could have gone a lot simpler if he hadn't have left in the first places. "I'm done with this conversation!"

  Draco watched as she left in anger and slammed the door closed before heading over to Harry's office.

  There he stood at his desk as he stirred the potion in the cauldron in front of him. "Morning Hermione", he said as of the cauldron meant absolutely nothing. He didn't explain any of this, but maybe he didn't want to. Her eyes widened as he spoke, and he seemed to notice. "Is something wrong?"

  "No, nothing's wrong." She started to back up very slowly with her hands behind her back as they searched for the door handle. She was about to leave when her eyes fell upon something in the corner of the room. The shining object seemed to have caught her attention, and the red stone seemed to have almost blinded her as the light bounced off it and into her eye. The sword of Gryffindor.

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