Chapter 16 Malfoy's Big Plan

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Blaise and Draco were walking down Diagon Alley. Draco needed to deposit his weekly payment from the Ministry of Magic. "Sometimes I'm surprised that the first thing she didn't do was hex you to oblivion. Sometimes your mouth and brain have a bad connection", said Blaise. "You got the opportunity to get close to her practically handed to you, and you blew it!", Draco counted his galleons that shined against the sun's light, practically blinding him.

"What are you going on about now?", Draco said with a hint of annoyance. Everything was going wrong in his life, and things just keep getting worse.

"Every time you two start a conversation, it's like a bloody war zone. I will bet five galleons that the day you two have a nice civil conversation will be when hell freezes over."

Draco scoffed. "I thought you were already in a bet with Pansy. What's that about anyway?", Draco asked.

"Nothing important." Blaise glanced at Draco to see that he was counting his galleons for the millionth time, and he only had twenty in his hand. The rest was in his huge vault. Blaise had a feeling that something was bothering him, and he had a feeling that he knew what it was about. "She hasn't told you yet has she?"

Draco sighed and placed the gold in his pocket. "I don't know if she ever will. By the end of the week if she doesn't tell me, then I'm going to come to her. I bet Weasel's having a cow. With the night at the pub, and the new addition..." Suddenly he froze. It took Blaise a minute to realize that he was walking alone before backtracking and see what Draco had stopped for. A familiar person caught their attention.

Theo and Luna were sitting in a fancy restaurant that was right next door to the Leaky Cauldron. "Is that who I think it is? Theo? On a date? With Luna? I think he's gone mad", said Draco. The two boys then watched as his lips turned into a slight smile as they watched from the restaurant window.

"Did he just smile at something she said?", Blaise asked as Draco gave him a slight nod. Draco pulled out a camera and decided to take a picture, but not just any camera; a muggle camera that he didn't quite know how to use. "Where did you get that thing?", Blaise asked; noticing its muggle features.

"Potter", Draco said and pushed the top button as he aimed it at the two lovebirds, but unfortunately the flash went off.

Noticing right away, Theo and Luna turned to see Blaise whacking Draco upside the head for being an idiot. That was until Draco noticed Theo and Luna had also noticed his mistake.

"They don't look too happy", said Draco; their eyes staring back at them.

"I know that Luna is rather forgiving, however Theo could kill us both", Blaise mumbled to Draco as he watched Theo get out of his chair, and start heading their way. The two Slytherin boys ran as fast as they could in the opposite direction to get as far away from Theo as possible, however, Draco would probably get a good stern talking to when he would see Theo at the apartment.

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  "You're just telling me this now?", Hermione shouted almost at the top of her lungs. She was beyond angry. She reached the point where her eyes could've turned red, shoot fire out of her hand, and have her hair light up in flames by how much her blood was boiling. "I'm apart of this team too! When are you going to get it through your head? We're in this together!" She was pacing back and forth as she tried to calm her nerves.

  "Yes I understand that, but I had my reasons..."

  "On my birthday! My birthday! You send other Aurors on a mission to fight without including me? I can't believe you, Harry Potter!" She rested her arm against the back end of the chair as her back faced him.

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