Chapter 6 Taking Care of You

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  Pansy helped Blaise into Draco and Theo's apartment while Hermione helped Draco. The gash in his leg made it almost impossible to walk up the stairs. If someone told her that she'd be helping the person she rivaled with most of her life, she would've thought that they were crazy. Here she was, having one of Draco's arms draped around her shoulder for support and helping him get comfy on the sofa. Once Draco was finally settled on the sofa, Hermione quickly went to get some ice for his leg.

Draco and Theo both agreed that Blaise could stay with them until he recovered. However, since Pansy and Blaise were together, she was part of the package deal. Pansy and Blaise both looked at each other with smirks. "What are you two up to?", Draco said as he saw their smirks and got suspicious.

She shook her head while her hands rested on her hips. Hermione came back with an ice-pack that was charmed to be the right temperature and to never melt. She placed it against his leg before placing a blanket over him. As she made sure the blanket was fully over his body, she felt a hand on her cheek. It was a foreign feeling to her. His hand brushed against her cheek while his thumb caressed under her eye. His grey eyes stared into her big brown ones, and they smiled at each other.

Pansy's smirk only seemed to grow larger as she watched the two soul mates in front of her, but Hermione's walls seemed to build back up again. "Still causing trouble, aren't you, Malfoy?" Pansy frowned at her change of attitude. If she started an argument back up she knew that he would join.

"Well, its good to know that your knowledge was finally put to good use", he said as he motioned toward his leg.

"Like you would know anything about that, considering you're too busy getting on people's nerves."

Their argument never seemed to seize as the two Slytherins moved to the kitchen. She helped him wrap new bandages around his torso. "They never seem to stop, do they?", Blaise said laughing as he heard the argument in the other room.

"Maybe that's what makes them.." She tried to think of a word to describe Draco and Hermione's relationship. "Well.. them."

"Don't tell me you're going to mettle..." Blaise said as he put his shirt back on and Pansy started to put up the bandages.

"I have a plan", Pansy said as she completely ignored his words. She walked away to head back to the living room and back to the arguing people.

"You love her, remember that. You. Love. Her.", he said to himself.

* * *

"Morning, Lovegood", Theo said as he entered the Auror meeting room, and even he was surprised at the fact that he had used her last name instead of 'Loony Lovegood'.

"Hello, Theo. I don't usually see you in this room very often. You're usually hanging with Draco and Blaise." It was interesting how Luna would always say what was on her mind without having a care in the world about what other people think.

"I was actually hoping to see Blaise. I was wondering if the mark Grindelwald carved into St. Mungo's was also carved somewhere on the Potter house. However, I assume, by the looks of it, that he took the day off the recover."

"Mark? What mark?", Luna asked as her full attention was now on Theo.

"Dean and Blaise came to me one day in my apartment, just before you showed up, and asked me about the mark. The Deathly Hallows." Luna felt quite humiliated. All this time she had been doing research on Grindelwald, and basically studying her brains out, when her partners wouldn't even tell her about the other information.

"The Deathly Hallows? My father is a believer in the story. The Elder wand, the Resurrection stone and the Cloak of Invisibility. Only a few people believe in them, but I do admit it would be cool to own them."

"It was a known fact that Grindelwald was obsessed with them, and spent most of his life looking for them." Theo opened the book and began reading the information that was right in front of him. "Kicked out of Durmstrang, and that place is known for Dark Magic."

Luna stared at Theo as he spoke. After two months of searching for information to find an answer, Theo basically said everything she needed to hear. "Theo... I think you may be onto something", she said as she moved to stand beside him and look in the book. Could this be what Grindelwald was after?

* * *

Draco's leg started to heal as Hermione gave him healing potions. "What happened? What was the cause of it?", she said as she looked at the huge scar.

"It was a sword . A pretty powerful one at that. I'm not good at knowing my surroundings, Granger. I had two of them down, and the minute I turn I get slashed in the leg." He was finally able to walk on it, even though she told him not to. "Blaise was able to take out the guy who slashed me, but he took a 'Sectumsempra' to the stomach." She remembers when Harry first mentioned the spell to her, and even though she told him a million times to turn that bloody book it, Draco ended up getting hit with it.

"You're lucky you're not dead." She pulled out some healing cream that she had read about in a Healer book. A lot like the stuff that muggles put on their cuts, but this worked faster. She placed it on her pointer finger and carefully rubbed it in the area of the large scar. Draco winced at the cool feeling on his leg, but shortly after started to enjoy the feeling, and tried his best not to moan at it.

"I've gotten lucky in that category a few times, thanks to you guys. I would've died in that fire if it wasn't for the golden trio."

"Harry was the one who wanted to go back and help you. Ron, however, thought he was crazy, and wanted to leave you behind to die." She wrapped the wound up and started to put the items back in the healer kit.

Two cups were placed on the coffee table in front of them. One Firewhisky, and the other butterbeer. It wasn't exactly rocket science to guess who's drink was who's. Hermione sipped her butterbeer as they sat in silence. Draco had insisted that she enjoy some Firewhisky, but she denied it. 'Live a little, Granger', was however not enough to convince her.

"Ah, I knew there was a reason why I hated Weasel more", he said as he watched her. "...and what about you?", Draco asked with a serious face.

"My focus was on the horcrux, Draco. Yes, I didn't want you guys to die either, but I'm glad Harry went back."

"What the bloody hell is a horcrux?"

"Long story."

"Well, I'm not sure how I feel about that, Granger", he said as he pretended to be offended by her earlier statement.

"Malfoy, shut up", she lightly pushed him, and took caution with his injured leg. She smiled at the ferret even though he was still a git.

* * *

Hermione apparated to the very familiar place that she had remembered coming to before school started up again. Harry had told Hermione that they would be staying at the Burrow until they find a new place to live. As the door opened, she saw just the person that she wanted to talk to: Ginny.

Hermione asked her if she was okay after the attack. "It was quite scary, really. The first thing Harry did was make sure we both got out of there, but I do feel safe here. I feel like a kid again."

"...but we're not anymore." As Hermione spoke, she played with her sleeves. "I remember when I first got my Hogwarts letter. Weird things would happen at home, and I couldn't explain them. When I walked through the Great Hall I felt like I didn't belong. Being a Muggle-born is difficult when you're surrounded by people who have lived in a wizard world all their life. I studied so hard so that I could keep up with everyone, and I enjoyed every word I ever read. I eventually got the title of the 'brightest witch of our age', and all I was trying to do was understand a whole different world." She paused for a moment. "... but it's true. We're not kids anymore. I mean look at you. You're about to become a mother."

"I could say the same to you. You're one of the Head Aurors, about to marry my brother, and training Draco Malfoy all at once. Now, that is impressive."

"Seven years of chaos with Harry and Ron will teach you the ways of multi-tasking."

"Tell me about it."

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