Chapter 13 A Haunting Mistake

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Dust filled the room as three of the four stood up after the crash. "Pansy, are you alright? Draco?" Blaise spotted the blonde hair through the dust after he made his statement.

"I'm alright, what about you, Draco?", Pansy said as she searched for her wand.

"Fine." He dusted off his robes then realized that only three people had answered. "Where's Hermione?", Draco asked in a worried manor; which caused Blaise to roll his eyes, but then he realized as well that Granger hadn't responded. Silence was the only thing that filled the room, and suddenly the power shut off.

"Well isn't that just perfect", Pansy said annoyed. "Lumos", all three of them said at the same time and started to search for her. Blaise searched the area that the chandelier crashed in, but the only thing that filled the space was broken glass and crystal.

Draco looked around the outer part of the room when suddenly his eyes fell upon some spots of blood. He followed the spotted blood trail that eventually lead up to Hermione. She laid on the ground with blood pooling out of her arm and leg as some of the sharp crystals seemed to be the cause of it. "Blaise! Go get some rags! Pansy, help me get the glass out of her skin."

Blaise rushed down the corridor to get something to stop Hermione's bleeding when something crossed his mind. Something seemed to be very off about this whole situation. Hermione nearly died twice in it, and it's never done something like that before. It seemed like someone was trying to kill Hermione for who-knows-what reason, but it must be very important if they're going as far as trying to kill her.

He grabbed the rag from Hermione's desk and started to head back to the training room to find out what on earth was going on.

  * * *

Draco and Pansy successfully pulled out the glass out and hoped that Blaise hurried back with the rags. He watched as Hermione laid there motionless as if someone had sucked all the life and happiness out of her. If it wasn't for her chest rising and falling, he would've claimed her as dead. He pushed the hair out of her face, but he didn't know why. Pansy just decided to act like she didn't see that.

A noise was heard from the other side of the room, and both Draco and Pansy turned their heads to see someone that they definitely weren't expecting to see. Harry Potter. Silence was so deafening as the two Slytherins didn't know how to explain the situation. Harry stared down at his best friend, who laid on the floor in unconsciousness, almost in anger. He glanced back up at Draco and before either Pansy or Draco knew what was happening, Harry held Draco against the wall with his forearm digging into Draco's neck. "What the bloody hell did you do?", Harry shouted in anger.

"Potter, he didn't do anything! Let him go!", Pansy attempted to pry Harry off of him, but he was too strong. Soon Draco's face went a deep red. "POTTER, HE CAN'T BREATHE! LET HIM GO!", she shouted. Almost everyone in the wizard world knew that these two were rials that completely hated each other, so it wouldn't be surprising if one ended up killing the other.

Suddenly a red flare hit Harry and he backed away from the choking Draco. Everyone turned to the door to see Blaise with his wand raised and ready to protect his best friend, except for Draco. He hunched over and tried to get some air into his lungs. "Give me the rag, quickly", he managed to choke out. He kneeled next to Hermione and started to stop the bleeding while Harry moved to the control room to see what went wrong.

Harry took a look over the control panel. It was completely smashed and destroyed. The main control was jammed on its highest level. "Someone tampered with this. If the power hadn't shut down then it probably would've killed all four of you. Apparently, starting with Hermione." Harry looked out of the window to see Pansy placing a bit of pressure on the injured girls cuts to stop the bleeding faster. "Let's get her to St. Mungo's as soon as possible. Draco, I'll let you take her there."

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