Chapter 18 Going Home

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It had been a month since Hermione and Draco agreed to never see or communicate ever again. However, it was impossible to completely avoid each other at work. They would make eye contact, but nothing more than that. Draco kept telling himself that he was fine, but one day Blaise ended up walking in on Draco with a completely smashed office. The only thing that wasn't crushed was a picture frame that showed Draco and Hermione at the club before the incident. Blaise figures that Theo was the one to place it in his office, and it was a really cruel joke.

Hermione knew that the wizards and witches around her were judging her for the mistake she made. Every time she turned around, she would see people whispering to each other while pointing in her direction. "Got something to say? Don't be too shy to spit it out!", she shouted at the two witches, who were surprised by her outburst.

Hermione spent more time in the training room like she did before, and Harry became worried about her, but she refused to listen. Continuing to waste hours away in the training room, she started to become distant from everyone else. She would keep to herself most of the time, and yell at anyone who told her to change.

Tuesday evening, Theo was about to leave the Ministry when he saw Hermione closing the door of her office. "Granger, I was just about to check on Radolphus before I leave, wanna join?" What Theo really meant was, 'do you want to go laugh at Radolphus in the Chamber?'

"Sure, why not?" Radolphus was being held in an indestructible glass chamber. All the Aurors, or sign detectors in Theo's case, could head down to the bottom level of the Ministry and tease him for being stuck in there.

"When does he leave for Azkaban?", asked Theo.

"Friday. Right after the Ministry trial." Hermione's watched as Radolphus drew shapes in the dirt with his finger. "Having fun in there Radolphus?", Hermione said with bitterness.

"It sucks in here", Radolphus said in almost a whisper.

"Well life sucks doesn't it!", said Hermione as her voice started to get louder.

Theo's eyes widened at her words. "Granger, what on earth has gotten into you? Every time I turn around you're shouting at someone. This isn't you."

"Well, people change. Once Radolphus leaves Friday. I will never have to see Malfoy ever again." Hermione said as she leaned against the glass, but Hermione suddenly heard a chuckling noise from inside the chamber. "What could possibly be so funny?", Hermione asked with a sneer as she glared at Radolphus.

"You think you have everything figured out, don't you?"

"What are you talking about?", Hermione asked as she grasped ahold of her wand in her back pocket. He gave Theo and Hermione an evil grin before he was able to transfigure himself into Harry, Draco then Hermione. "You people never learn from your mistakes, do you?", he said in Hermione's bossy voice.

"You're not Radolphus!" The last person he turned into was MacNair.

"You finally cracked the code." Now Hermione had her wand out and pointed at MacNair, along with Theo. "Where is Radolphus?", Hermione shouted. Her blood was boiling at how she let this little incident slip past her, but apparently the brightest witch of her age was having a really tough month.

"Take a guess", MacNair said as he crossed his arms over his chest. It was almost like a puzzle. Trying to figure out where Radolphus could be in the world. Hermione was thinking long and hard until she saw a certain symbol around MacNair's neck. The Deathly Hallows.

"I know where he is", said Hermione as she started to head toward the elevator.

"You're going alone?", Theo asked as he looked at her in disbelief. She couldn't be crazy enough to take on Radolphus by her self. She wouldn't do something that crazy, would she?

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