Chapter 20 Speaking My Mind

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   Hermione started to wake up from her deep sleep. There were a lot of potions set beside her on a nightstand. She attempted to sit up, but a sharp pain in her head stopped her from doing so. "Hey, take it easy, take it easy."

   Sitting in the chair beside her, Harry had a surprised look on his face as he watched her attempt to get up. "What happened?" Hermione was in a state of panic. The last thing she remembered was falling down forty feet to the deep water below, so how on earth did she manage to survive?

   "You fell off the bridge, Hermione. We thought you were gone forever."

  "We?", asked Hermione.

   "Blaise and I arrived just after you fell, but Draco took charge and managed to disarm Grindelwald. He dove in after you." It has suddenly come to her attention that he was looking at everything else in the room except her. There was something he knew, but didn't want to share with her.

  "What happened?"

   Finally looking into her eyes, Harry sighed in defeat. "He took a pretty bad hit to the arm. There was a lot of blood, and the water didn't exactly help."

  "He risked his life just to help me? How could he be so stupid? I would've been fine."

   "It was over a hundred feet, Hermione. For once will you understand that your own personal care matters too? I know you want to help everyone, but some people want to return the favor." Hermione was speechless. Harry was absolutely right. She's spent all of her life worrying about everyone else, but she rarely ever stopped to wonder is she was okay.

   Before Hermione could say what was on her mind, the healer stepped into the room. She had mentioned that Hermione didn't have any head injuries. There was a huge gash on her stomach, which the healer took care of with some essence of dittany and a bandage. "Alright, Miss Granger, you are free to go home", the healer said as she passed the bill to Hermione, "..and I don't want to hear that you or Mr. Malfoy have checked into here for at least six months." It was true that both Hermione and Draco had visited St. Mungo's quite a few times in the last four months.

  "We"ll be more careful from how on", said Hermione as she glanced at Harry.

                              *     *     *

Draco, Hermione and Harry stopped by Harry office to finish a few things with the Randolphus case. "Sign here", said Hermione as she passed the paper to Draco.

"It's been an interesting four months", said Draco as he picked up a quill.

"You don't know the half of it", Hermione and Harry said a the same time. Memories of all their years at Hogwarts started to replay in their heads. With a raised eyebrow, Draco stared at he two of them for a few seconds before getting back to the papers.

"I better get these to Kingsley right away." Harry stacked the papers once the ink had dried, and headed out to go find the Minister for Magic. The papers were just to clarify that both Randolphus and Grindelwald were captured and sent off to Azkaban, which finally put an end to Draco and Hermione's partnership.

"So, I was looking in the office that writes the Daily Prophet, and I managed to see something that you would like." She opened the bottom drawer of Harry's desk since she knew he never looked in there, and pulled out a familiar paper that would arrive at his window every morning. The main article of the paper was 'Malfoy saves Muggleborn from death. Hope in Malfoy name restored'.

The smile on his face was the size of the Black Lake. Everything he wanted in life was right in front of him. People saw more than just darkness in the Malfoy name. "They're suppose to be delivered tomorrow morning, but I don't think they'll miss one." Her smile quickly turning into a growing smirk. Draco knew that he had been a bad influence on her, but he wasn't complaining.

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