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All night I thought about Chris... I'm not going to break his trust. But what if him talking to me was a one time thing only... I fell asleep with the thought of his eyes in my mind... If you looking Into them even for a split second like I got to... You could see how heartbroken and hurt he is on the inside.. Like a broken heart that needs  help. The next morning I got out of bed before my alarm since I didn't get much sleep... I immediately went to get ready...

Me: "here"

Mary: "wow right on he dot.. Good job"

Me: "thank you... Is there anything I should do right now"

Mary: "yeah I'll wake up half of them and you can wake up the other half.."

Me: "ok"

I walked to the right and she walked to the left. I went door by door waking everyone up.. They all seemed to listen... Then I reached the very last door. The different door. I took a deep breath in and walked in... To my amazement Chris was laying there watching the ceiling with an arm around his forehead and his other arm hanging off the bed... I caught myself staring at his beautiful arms then walked closer to his bed as the door closed.

Me: "Chris..."

He does nothing.. Not even an emotion. All he does is shift his eyes from the Ceiling to me then back at the ceiling.

Me: "did you sleep..."

Chris: "nah.. I don't typically sleep"  *raspy low tone*

Me: "why is that"

Chris: "I just don't sleep ok? I can't fall asleep there is too much on my mind"

Me: "well we will fix that soon. Now come on get up get freshened up I have something planned*

He groaned and got up.. As he closed his bathroom door, I felt a sense of relief that he even spoke to me. I soon walked out..


I layed there all night. Not a thought about sleep came into my mind. Before you knew it, it was day time again. All my thoughts were interrupted by this beautiful, accented voice filling my ears. She asked me to wake up.. As if I ever sleep.
As I walked into the dining hall with a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt on, I walked passed Robyn and the other nurses  and sat at my typical table. Alone. As usual. Robyn came and sat next to me shortly after I sat down. She handed me my meds.

Robyn: "please take them Chris. Please" *low tone*

She looked at me and I stared back. I took some food into my mouth and took the medicine all while looking at those green eyes.

Robyn: "thank you" *she whispers as she rubs my hand*

What's coming over me... I feel butterflies every single time she touches me....

I walked over to nurse Mary..

Me: "Mary.. I know it's my second day.. But I have a request"

Mary: "anything Robyn... What is it?"

Me: "well.. You know Chris right.. I wanna take him out for a breather real quick and see if he talks to me"

Mary: "mrs fenty you are wasting your time"

Me: "pleaseeeeeeee"

Mary: "fine... I'll let you guys
Go if you will be back by 5, don't go too far and please make sure you are cautious and safe/aware around him"

Me: "Will do.. Thank you so much"

I walked over to Chris who had his head down. Probably thinking as usual. I leaned over the chair and whispered into his ear. Get up and come with me. You need to get ready.

He perked his head up and I smiled at him. He gave me a confused look but I assured him it's ok. He got up and led to his room. Once I closed the door he began to talk.

Chris: "what do I need to get ready for.."

Me: "me and you are gonna go out. It's a surprise"

Chris: "out where.. They don't allow us to leave"

Me: "I asked. Now shut up and put on your clothes"

He groaned and grabbed a clean outfit and went into the shower. While he was in there I decided to look around. I saw a few of his drawings laying on the table... Then I saw a thick journal almost that was hidden away. I decided to look through it until I realized what it was.. You are interested in music too aye.. I heard the water stop and I quickly put it back where I found it and sat on his bed..


Where the hell is she taking me.. Is this a plan to get rid of me.. Are they gonna.. No maybe it really is just a day out I'm overthinking it. But why do I talk to her so much. I don't even think about it anymore.. I just blurt everything out... I shook my head and stopped the water. As I stepped out I heard something drop in the room. I shook it off and dried myself. I threw on my clothes and walked out to see Robyn looking down at the ground.. She was beautiful.. Se glanced at me and smiled.

Robyn; "you might not want to wear that white shirt.."

I looked at her then down at my shirt. I shrugged my shoulders then took it off and turned around to look through my clothes to pick out a shirt. I felt eyes staring at me though. I soon found a cameo shirt. I held it up and turned around. She blinked a few times and threw up a thumbs up. I quickly put it on and my shoes quick after. I felt eyes on me.. But I didn't care.


This wasn't my first time seeing him shirtless.. But he was fine as hell. His skin was so soft and caramel colored. And his tattoos just look like they were meant to be there. He was just so perfect.


This chapter was long :/ hopefully y'all like it. Please share this with your friends so more people know about it :)

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