July 17, 2021

436 42 4

Hey mom,

It's my birthday. I'm 11! School starts next month, so daddy, Renge, and I are getting ready to move back to Japan. I promised Alois and Olivia I'd visit them and we all got each other's phone numbers. Well, we got Olivia's home number. She doesn't have a cell phone like Alois and I do. Even if she did, her family can't afford the phone bill of texting all the way to Japan on a frequent basis.

You know what else this means, mommy? Ouran. I get to go to where you went. I want to be a lawyer like you were. Think I can do it, mommy?

Honey's getting married next January. January 27, to be exact. Are you happy for us, mom? Everyone is okay.

Almost everyone is okay.


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