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"Unpredictable." Luke sang out the last words of their song Unpredictable. I bounced up and down in my chair and clapped.

     "Guys it sounds great!! You will be famous in no time!!!" I got up and gave Luke a side hug and Michael a kiss on the cheek. We all plopped down on the couch and talked about the band. Soon, Luke stood up and faced us.

     "I hvae a very important announcement. I got the phone call this morning. Their Agent caled and he loved the show we preformed! The one where Ally came! And They want us to come to London, write songs with them, and go on tour!!!!" His voice raised to a shout. All the boys jumped up off the couch and yelled and wooped giving eachother hugs.

     "Wait! Guys! Who does?" I yelled over their shouting.

     "OneDirection." Calum smiled and went back to talking with the boys. I jumped up off the couch so proud of my best friends. They got recognition from a famous band!

     "I am so proud of you all!" I squeeled and we group hugged.

     "I managed to say we could leave August 16th after our parents wedding." He said pointing between he and me. 

     "Oh speaking of announcements! I have one too! It's not AS exciting but its cool and i'm really excited." I said to the boys. They all sat down on the couch and looked at me so i could have the floor.

     "Well, only Luke knows that when i lived in America i was a Ballet Dancer and that i danced in a really important company. well, i auditioned for a commpany here in Austrailia and i got accepted!" I smiled and jumped up and down. The boys attacked me with hugs and congradulations. Luke hugged me and whispered, "Ally! Im so exxcited! We both are living our dreams." I smiled at him. Mike grabbed my arm and pulled me aside while the other boys talked. 

     "Im so proud of you babes. But... why did you only tell Luke and not me?" He looked sad.

     "Oh thats because we were really bored while our parents were out and we were just sitting in the lviing room talking and I mentioned it. Come on Mikey you know tha i love Luke like a brother. You know that your my guy and always will be." I smiled and laid my head agaainst his chest and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly.

     "Remember when i said i would always be there for you? I ment that. I will be. Forever and Always Ally." He mummbled into my hair. I smiled up at him and kissed him. I really belived him. But the question is... Should I have?

     "OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH LOOK AT YOU TWO!!!!" The boys all yelled in unison. I blushed and said "Yup." popping the 'P". My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was Liz .

     'Hey Ally. Luke wont answer his cell. We need you two to come home now. It's dinner time and we need Luke to start setting up his new room! Pass it on! Love you." I groaned and tossed my phone to Luke. He read the messege and rolled his eyes. 

     "What is it?" Michael asked slipping his arm around my waist. 

     "It's nothing." Luke said. "Come on Ally. Lets go." We both looked annoyed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of Michael's arms. 

     "Bye guys!" We shouted over our shoulders. We hurried down the sidewalk to my house.

     "Ally wait a sec!" Michael called after me. I turned and whispered to Luke "Go on i'll catch up."

     "Look ally." Started Michael when he got up to me, " I dont appreciate you and Luke and your little secrets. Like what? Do you not need me anymore? Am i not good enough for your precious little secrets that only Luke can know? Hmm?" He rose his voice and i backed up.

     "Michael... I... Its not personal... It was just something with our parents... I didnt think we needed to bother you. And then Luke pulled me out so... I dont know..." I stuttered out the words.

     "Oh so now Luke is in charge of you? I thought you were better than that Ally. But maybe you just dont have a spine." He whirled around and walked stifly back to Calum's house. He scared me. He left me standing on the sidewalk in tears. I ran after Luke who comforted me in his arms as i cried and told him what happened. He said he would go back and beat the shit out of him but i stopped him. As soon as we got home i laid on Lukes bed as he unpacked all his boxes into his new room that was right acroos from mine. Liz aand Dad were "unpacking" in their room. With the door shut. And... sounds.... When Luke and I were done it was about 11. So we said goodnight and i went into my room. What had gotten into michael. He said i was spinless. I put a favorite song of mine on. It was "I Miss You" by Blink 182.



     "What the hell!  She and Luke are so close! She never tells me anything! She is always with Luke! And she is always telling him things. Its like they show eachother a text or take a phone call and then they just leave! They do that all the damn time! You heard what i said to her. I ment every word!" I yelled. Calum and Ashton shrugged. Ashton took a seat on the couch and faced me.

     "I mean... Michael have you ever considered how hard this must be for both of them? And they are getting close cause they will be brother and sister. And i mean maybe they just keep to themselves cause they both understand eachother and they dont have to explain themselves." Ashton said to me.

     "They are having a tough time Michael. Don't get mad at Ally or Luke. They need eachother. And the best thing you can do right now is be there for both of them. Especially Ally." Calum joined in.

     "Your right." I sighed. " I should go apologize...." Calum and Ashton both nodded and pointed to the door. I got up from the sofa and started walking to Ally's. I climbed up the big tree in her backyard. I peeked into her window. She was laying on her couch on her laptop. She was playing Blink 182. I slowly opened the window.

     "Hey." I said. She jumped and got offf the couch. 

     "What... What do you want? You gonna break up with your spineless girl friend now?" She whispered. I climbed in the window and walked towards her. She was scared of me. She backed up to the wall. A tear slid down her cheek. I wiped in away.

     "I'm so sorry. I was feeling left out and not important. I didnt mean any of those things i said Ally." I whispered and pressed my lips against hers. "Im so so so sorry." She wrapped her arms around me. We sat on the couch and fell asleep together as she told me all about her dancing and her life in America.


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