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     "Whatever." I shrugged my dad and Liz off of Luke and I as we made our way up the stairs and into Luke's room. Clothes were scattered everywhere and his two big blue suitcases were open on the floor. It had been a month sisnce i had really let Michael into who i was before my mom's death. It was the day before the wedding. and that ment only three days until my four best friends left for England. They had been lucky enough to move the moving date to two days after the wedding not one! I had not been getting along with my dad or Liz. I had even said to them that i hated them. Luke andI managed to make it through together thoug

     "Luke, i dont know how im gonna survive here without you.... With them. Alone. Kill me now." I sigh and he gave me a friendly hug.

     "Hey sis you got this. I'll talk to you everyday and i'll be back before you know it. And tomorrow is gonna be  hard for both of us. I know. But we can make it through together. You know that. And for the rest of August they will be on their honeymoon and then school starts and you will be too busy with school and your dancing to even notice them!" he smiled down at me. He towered above me.

     "Come on, lets finish packing you up." I smiled and pulled him over to his cases. Michael texted and asked to come over. i asked Luke and he said he was cool with it. It was around eleven. About two minutes later Michael walked into Luke's room an plopped down on the floor next to me. Luke and I eyed him.?

    "How'd you get in, Mikey?' I asked him quizically.

     "The window. Thats how i always get in at night." He grinned at me and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me over to him so i was basically in his lap.

    "Always get in at night, huh?" Luke grinned at us both and we shrugged. Luke had been on his laptop and Michael and I were laying on the floor and we were all talking when Luke turned his laptop to us and said," OH MY GOSH LOOK AT THIS VIDEO." Michael and i turned our attention to the screen. 

      "Oh nooooooooo!" Michael said and burried his head in my lap. It was Michael and Luke when they were about 16 or so. They were singing Baby by Justin Beiber. Michael was playing his guitar and Luke was singing. I was enjoying it.

     "I dont see what the big deal is Mikey." I laughed and Luke shook his head beginning to crack up.

     "You just wait." Luke managed to get out of his laughter. Michael shot him a glare. Soon the rapping part of the song came up. Michael rapped it! I was laying on the floor balled up dying laughing. I couldnt help it!

     "You know, Michael, Eminem, theres no difference! Michael you sound so ghetto!" I laughed so hard and managed to get the words out. Tears were sliding down my cheeks. I looked up at Michael who was glaring at Luke and me. He chucked a pillow at me and sulked in the corner. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. 

     "Come on my rapper im going to bed and Luke should too we need to rest for tomorrow." We said goodnight to Luke and went to my room across the hall. I went into the bathroom and changed. I cam out and Michael we sitting on my bed. I stared at him and chuckled.

     "What?" He looked up at me and cocked his head. 

     "Nothinggg. Its just that... You are so not punk rock." I laughed and sat on my couch. Before i knew it Michael pinned me down.

     "TAKE.IT.BACK." He whispered.

     "Nope." i said, laughing again. He started tickling me. I aquirmed and yelled but he just laughed and held me there.

     "Fine! You win!" I gave in. "Whats the prize?" I asked him.

     "You." He kissed my necck and hugged me.

     "Im gonna get to bed." I said kissing his foerhead. "come with or go home?" I asked him smiling.

     "Definatly come with." he said sliding into my bed behind me. He pulled me close and snuggled me.

     "I love you Ally." He whispered.

     "I love you too babes." I whispered back falling asleep.


      I was worried. What would happen when i went off to London. Would she be ok? I couldnt do this to her. Could I? I loved her to death. All i wanted was her. I cant even do this to myself. Im slipping. Slipping away from Ally. I can feel it. Like shes slowly slipping through my fingers but she doesnt even realize it.

We Are Family|/-\|. (Michael Clifford Fan-fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now