Chapter 8: Close

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Gail struggled to avoid the constant looks she received left and right whenever she walked through halls and classes. She suddenly became aware of her surroundings for the first time and felt the unease churn in her stomach. All this was the cause of one particular person. Snapping her head fiercely she glared intently at the innocent giant that stuck to her like glue. He stood abreast Gail and kept his attention elsewhere. She bit her lip out of frustration.

"Minato!" Gail whispered fiercely, mindful of the crowded hallway. "Stop following me, please!"

His head slightly tilted to the side, a look of confusion crossed his unpredictable face. "Why?"

"'Why? WHY?'" she repeated in disbelief. A tinge of irritation creeped into her tone. "Because you are too close for comfort! I need my personal space!"

As soon as she said this, Minato took one step backward. Quizzically she looked towards him. Once she realized his intention she felt the sudden urge to run a hand down her face. That's not what I mean. Exasperated, she trudged down the hallway with Minato tailing her.


Lunch came and Gail stared at the menu fiercely. Students quickly shuffled away in fear of the unknown aura that emanated from her. Automatically her eyes wandered to the meat buns. She fished for her wallet and began to mentally estimate the amount Minato eats and calculated the price. Just as she handed the lunch lady her money she felt a familiar presence behind her. Furrowing her brows she swung around and found herself face to face with Minato's blank face. Immediately she pushed him away.

"Stay put, would you! I'm already getting yours. So be patient!" she hissed.

He said nothing and stayed where he was until Abigail had the food in her hands. She handed seven meat buns to Minato as she settled with her meal of mashed potatoes with turkey and gravy. With luck she found an empty table next to the wide glass windows that displayed a view of the campus grounds. Gail had just begun to eat when she realized many eyes were on her. She tried to pay no heed to the distraction but found it unbearable. Before she could do so much as leave, a familiar voice froze her right on the spot.

"Hey there!" the male voice said.

Stiffly, she moved her head towards the owner of the voice and immediately felt the blood rush up her cheeks. Xavier stood beside their table with warm eyes and a welcoming smile.

Gail felt her heart clench by the way he smiled. Ah~! He's as gorgeous as ever! She smiled dreamily but stopped immediately as soon as she remembered where she was. Gail cleared her throat and looked at Minato. His cheeks were stuffed with meat and bread. Crumbs scattered below his chin and around his cheeks. Seeing how helpless he looked she quickly took a napkin to wipe his mouth.

"You look ridiculous," she spoke under her breath.

Xavier looked over to the mountain of meat buns placed in front of Minato who had his face stuffed. For a minute he looked intently at them. Meat buns? He eats a lot of meat buns. He chuckled to himself then stopped for a second. Doesn't Abigail eat that much as well? He thought back to the time when he saw many wrappers scattered across her bed. Looking over to her choice of meal made it clear to him that she is not be a big eater. He hummed to himself in deep thought. Later he shook his head. That can't be possible.

"As expected," his smile never faded, "you two seem really close."

She laughed nervously and shook her head. "Not at all."

He gestured to Minato. Gail realized she was still wiping Minato's mouth and quickly retreated her hand. Embarrassed, she looked away and threw the napkin to the table.

"Okay," her voice lowered, "maybe just a little." She hated to admit the fact that she and Minato became closer throughout his stay with her. His presence became somewhat normal to her. There is no way she could possibly tell Xavier that.

He chuckled and faced his attention to Minato. "It's good to see you again. I didn't think you would be transferred to our class. Do you remember me?"

Swallowing the food in his mouth, Minato nodded. "Xavier."

Xavier's eyes brightened up as he placed a hand on the smooth white table to support his weight. "Yes, it's me!" He chuckled again making Gail swoon silently, unnoticed. "I was looking for you, but since you're already here," he looked towards Abigail, "may I join you?"

"Yes!" Gail blurted without a second's thought. Gasping, she retreated into her imaginary shell. "I-I mean, s-s-sure."

Xavier paused for a moment then smiled warmly. "Thanks."


That night, Gail tucked Minato into bed beside her and sighed at the fact that she is literally taking care of an overgrown baby. See Gail, when you poke yourself into some clueless guy's own business. Internally she scolded herself. She lifted her hands to her face and covered her eyes suddenly embarrassed and angry at the same time. Gail shifted to her side in which she saw Minato facing her through the gaps between her fingers. Slowly she slid her hands away from her face and found herself looking into two deep blue pools. It was weird how none of this bothered her anymore than it did the first weeks she took him in. Now it felt all too normal to her. It was strange. She shifted a little as he inched closer.

"Abby..." he whispered.

Her heart beated harder and a wave of warmness filled her in which she could not comprehend. Her eyes widened at this new nickname. "Abby? Where'd that come from?"

The sides of his lips moved downward, slowly. "I just felt like saying it."

She breathed in. "It's Gail, Minato."

His eyelids closed as his hand moved slowly to her upper body. She stiffened and mentally prepared to attack but soon eased herself as he held her antique locket.

She exhaled. "You really like this locket, huh?"

"Mhm." He nodded as a deep sigh came from his throat. He secured the antique trinket in his huge hand. "It calms me." His voice was almost too soft to be heard.

She felt her heart pound in her chest a little harder than the norm. Heat traveled to her face and an uncontrollable warm smile crept up her face. "I see."

Minato's eyes locked with hers and the feeling of longing came to Gail. She had the sudden urge to touch him right there, right now. Quickly she shook the feeling away and shifted her hand so as to touch him. Confusion surged through her as she slowly retreated her hand.

Maybe it's the feeling of longing for a family member. She thought to how she longed for her older brother whenever she was down. He would always embrace her whenever there was something troubling her. He would occasionally call her Abby whenever he felt like it.


She clenched her chest. That didn't sound like my brother, Mark, at all.

"Minato, did you—"

He was fast asleep.

She got up with her arm supporting her upper body, mindful of his hand still clutching the trinket, and observed the sleeping guy. His lashes really are long. Minato slightly stirred in his sleep. Her eyes softened as she gazed at him warmly.

"I don't know why but..." she lowered her face to him as if to tell a secret, "when I'm with you I feel somewhat...nostalgic."

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