October 17th

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October 17th 2015

I am sleeping better at night. Now I pray for the real stuff... Love! And the ability to have a FREAKING BOWEL MOVEMENT! Sweet Lord, they really don't talk about these things, like it is such a delicate situation. Cancer is cancer. Don't tiptoe around the issues.

... God, thank you for not making me bald! My vanity couldn't handle it! God bless Ari's hair-trimming skills and Mom's everlasting care.


post script: I  was as bald as a cue ball and wearing wigs within a few weeks of writing this journal entry. Nowadays I would call it poetic irony. At the time, I would say it was the meanest trick the universe has ever played.  

Well, Sh*t: a true story of Cancer, Prayer, and Emotional ShrapnelWhere stories live. Discover now