October 1st

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Journal Prompt: Pray with a heart of thankfulness. Write down five things you want to give thanks for today.

October 1st 2015

Five Things I am Grateful For...

1) The Month of October. I love the autumn season, it makes me so happy to be alive. Beautiful, gorgeous colors and Halloween and pumpkins and leaves.

2), I am thankful that I did not feel sick for very long yesterday. I was SO scared of repeating last Sunday's "incident" (seizure, 911, ER experience). I never ever want to feel that way!

3) I am grateful for my short term disability paycheck. Without Lifemap I wouldn't be able to continue paying my student loan bills on a monthly basis. Or my medical bills. Or buy soap to take a shower. Or my copays.

4) I give thanks for my best friend Hannah coming over and visiting last night. It's been way too long. I pray for her health (she's sick too). I'm thankful it's not cancer too.

5) Last but not least - another beautiful sunrise. And autumn (again). And pumpkins. 

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