October 30th

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October 30th 2015

I am very thankful for all the kindness people have shown me. All the care packages... they've all been wonderful things that have carried me through this. But I feel like I am getting a little overwhelmed with it. Not that I don't think the people who've given them are at fault or anything I just feel as if I can't keep up. There's no way I'll be able to return the same level of gift-giving. Like my thank-you cards seems so insincere by comparison. It's not about payback or anything but I also just sort of feel like a shitty person just because everyone else is so wonderful. Do you see what I mean? I'll never be able to say thank you enough. Mom is never going to get this year of her life back. The HUGE number of individuals who have given incredibly thoughtful gifts will never see more than a thank-you card from me. That seems so unfair? I guess I just don't grasp the concept of HASHTAG, BLESSED! 

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