Chapter 4

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Everything was great when Ryan, Mordy, and I were just friends. I had a group of friends, no matter how small it was, and no one was going out with each other to complicate things. Or that's what I thought. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who enjoyed the pleasure of Ryan's company. Mordy caught onto what I had already known because at some point, Mordy and Ryan decided to start dating. Neither one of my friends thought to inform me that this was happening. I was forced to hear it from an outside source.

This outside source came to me one Thursday morning after a praise band performance. I had just gotten off stage after securing my guitar in its case alongside the papers I had used to remember the chords to the songs we had played that day.

"Hey, Alex, I was just wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with me, Lauren, Mordy, and his girlfriend?" one of my former classmates asked. Lauren was my classmate's sister. I didn't give myself time to even ponder the offer.

"Ooh, Mordy's got a girlfriend? I didn't know this," I said, in a prodding and goofy tone. I was happy that he had found someone I hadn't heard about him being in any relationship after he broke up with me a few years prior.

"Yeah, he's dating that new girl. I think you've met her. Her name's Ryan," he tells me. I pause a moment, taken aback.

"Mordy and Ryan are dating and they didn't tell me?" I asked rhetorically, quite upset at the news. I had figured that if my two closest friends were dating, they would have told me at some point relatively close to when it started.

"Yeah, they didn't tell you?" he asked, slightly surprised.

"No, they didn't," I responded, letting some of my irritation show.

I walked off to find either one of them. Though, in finding one, I found both of them. I walked up to them, seeing they were both talking, making googly eyes at one another.

"Ahem," I spoke up to get their attention. They turn and look at me, smiling at me.

"Hey, Alex," Mordy said, clearly not seeing the irritation still radiating off of me.

"Why didn't you guys tell me you were dating?" I asked, skipping pleasantries and getting right to the point. Ryan looked at me, confused and uncomfortable before looking back to Mordy questioningly. Mordy kept his gaze on me.

"We didn't figure you'd care to know," he responded nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders a bit. I gave him a quite confused look, darting my eyes between the two people that were in front of me.

"You didn't figure that I would care to know that my two closest friends decided to start dating?" irritation clear in my tone. Mordy finally began to pick up on it.

"Sorry, Alex. Probably should've told you. My bad, man," he said to me, looking genuine with the whole matter. I lightened my mood.

"It's fine, man. At least I know now," I told them, looking away to hide the fact that I was still not completely okay with not being told. "So, when did it happen?"

"Well, I asked her out about a month ago..." Mordy went on, depicting the story of asking out the girl standing next to him. I began to zone out, not entirely interested in the story and attempting to calm the irritation that was still there.

"That's cool you guys. Congrats," I responded to them, giving off a small smile to them before walking off and letting them continue whatever conversation they were in the middle of before I had walked over.

I couldn't keep the feeling that this would all turn out badly from rising. I had been in a situation akin to this before. It was with two close friends of mine a few years before. It didn't end well for the two of them.

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