xiii- neverland

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Neverland withered

And all the years it had kept at bay fell onto it like vultures

And destroyed it overnight

The mermaids' lake became tar-black and toxic

Their once glistening tail they were so proud of

Became the anchor that drew them to the depths and never let them emerge again

The lost boys lived up to their names

And as for Tiger Lily, she became Hook's little toy

With the broken strings and even more broken pride

Even Peter changed

The boy who had claimed he never wanted to grow old

Shed his innocence and naivety

And replaced them with something much more sinister only an adult could posses

But me?

I still wait at my window every single night

I wait for the sight of a shadow not fitting its object

Or for the glowing shower of pixie dust falling from the sky

Onto a wrinkled hand that could not escape time

My body might have grown up but my soul is static

So I wait till Neverland is mended

And I am reborn with it

Or till time beats me

And bids me one last goodbye

Only meant for a kid

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