Part 1 - I Will Always Find You

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  Her. The only girl in the world to ever make me smile. Blood red hair flowing down to the upper arm blew in the morning breeze as I stood in front of her. She had no burdens, she had no worry, and she had no pains. Until recently.

  Him. The only guy in the world to ever capture me. Long, white, lab coat that could tell anyone he meant business, and you wouldn’t strike a single nerve if you knew better. He had many hates, many lonely days under his belt, and every brain cell in his head was being used for something.

  Her, the reason I fight. Him, the reason I have someone to fight.

  Tears flowed; hands touched; words said. Her face wasn’t the normal happy I’d always seen in her. She was saying her goodbyes to me as she attempted to walk away from the Cabertown Camp.

  “Rythian,” she began, another tear balanced on the lower lid of her right eye, the sapphire in them growing ever-softer. “I can’t stay. You’ll okay, won't you?”

  I touched her hand as it rose up to the left side of my face. My response was nonexistent, for I couldn’t help but be upset by her sudden thoughts to leave me. Hanging my head, tears fell to the sandy ground below me. Late in my thoughts, I found the strength to speak. “Zoey, please don’t leave me.”

  She shifted her hand to my chin, and lifted my gaze from the sand. “Look at me.” I did as she said, upraising my vision to meet her eyes, which were now losing more tears than I could count. “I feel endangered when I’m around you. There’s no other way to say that. I’m sure that the next time Duncan finds you, he won’t care who gets hurt. That means that it could be me.”

  I closed my violet eyes tight while I spoke. “I won’t let him hurt you, cross my heart.”

  As my optics revealed themselves to the world, I could see she shaking her head, letting it fall to the direction of the ground. “That’s what you said last time. I’m sorry, but this is goodbye. If you take him down someday, or if you form some sort of…” She paused for a moment to think it over. “Alliance or treaty, or something, you can come find me. But I won’t get hurt or torn apart over your... relationship."

  “Zoey, please!”

  She opened her hand, purposely letting it leave mine, and then walked in the opposite direction. But just before her warm wrist left mine, she spoke again. “It was fun. I enjoyed my journey with you, but now it’s time for me to… start a new... adventure…” Each time she paused, she choked on her words, and more tears fell from her troubled eyes.

  “I enjoyed every second with you, even if I didn’t show it every time. And Zoey… I hope you…” I closed my eyes before I spoke out. “…Enjoy your next adventure…”

  “Oh my gosh…” Zoey was shocked by my response. “I didn’t know you could… get so… deep…” Her hand was no longer in mine, and she was several feet from me. But that didn’t stop her from running back to me and embracing me. “I will enjoy it, but I’ll never forget you," she said, her words muffled from her face being buried in my shirt.

  I wrapped my arms around her the moment she touched me, and now I moved one of my hands to the back of her head. “And I will find you when the time comes.” My shirt dampened from the technomage’s tears. She didn’t reply for some time, but I didn’t mind holding her for the last time. I knew that someday I would find a way to make ends meet with the scientist, and then I could find Zoey again.

  “Rythian, I know you will. You always do.” She perked her head up and met my gaze, smiling.

  I smiled back, even though no one could see it past my mask. “I will always find you.”

Author's Note

Hey everyone! It's FourOClock! I'm so excited to get this first book out, and I hope you like the first chapter! If you could, please take a moment to comment on this chapter, your input will be much appreciated! I also apologize in advance for any grammatical errors or spellings, my native language is not English, but I am very familiar with it.

I am also happy to thank @GingerW0lf for the stunning cover she made for me. I love you, Ging!


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