Part 3 - Game on, Scientist

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  • Dedicated to Mela Regina F.

  My hesitation extends on and on as I wait to knock on Duncan’s castle door. Left arm outreached to it, hand in a fist, heart pounding. And I let it happen.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  The pulsation was steady, the same interval between each. A few minutes passed before I knocked again, a little louder this time.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  “Oh my god! How many times do I have to tell you, Sjin? Get your ass off my property!” Lalna’s voice screamed, almost echoing it was so loud.

  The doors separated, and the womanly figure of Kim showed. A look of shock shot to her face. “Rythian?” She whispered, obviously making sure Duncan didn’t hear her.

  “Hi, Kim. Is Duncan here?” I automatically realized that was a stupid thing to ask.

  “I hope that was rhetorical.” She laughed as she spoke, smiling.

  “Yeah, kind of.”

  “Hold on a second.” Kim continued to laugh as she walked out of my sight. Although, I could still hear her yelling. “Duncan! Rythian’s here!”

  “I’m a little busy, Kim!” The scientist’s voice yelled back. He probably had his hands in some stupid scientific device trying to figure out where he went wrong when he built it.

  “He walked all the way here! You can at least talk to him, can’t you?” The black-haired woman argued.

  I could swear the blonde had probably sighed, realizing his apprentice was right. He definitely didn’t want to speak to me, but I required to talk to him. Kim walked back into view, gesturing for me to come in with her right hand. As I walked by her, she grabbed my upper arm and put her mouth close to my ear.

  “He’s been a bit… aggravated lately. Careful what you say, he might just pull a gun on you.” As she pulled away, she looked into my eyes. Her gesture appeared as an, ‘I’m not joking’ kind of expression.

  I nod, understanding her suggestion. Kim then walked into the computer room and completely out of my sight. My right toe tapped on the grassy surface of the Earth as I waited patiently for the scientist’s arrival. A few minutes had passed, and he still wasn’t there. I waited for a mere thirty seconds before I called for him.


  “What?” He called back to me.

  “Are you coming down or what?”

  “Can you have a bit of patience, please?” His snarky comment angered me from within. I rolled my eyes. The second I did, I heard a teleporter activate, the one in the computer room. I shuddered at the sound of science.

  Lalna opened the door and entered the courtyard, holding his right index finger in his mouth. He didn’t wear his rubber gloves as he always had.

  I laughed at his appearance. “Did you burn yourself?” I then muttered a comment. “Idiot.”

  “Watch it, jerk!” He took one quick lunge at me.

  I backed up at least three steps, raising my arms. “Whoa! I just came to talk.”

  “Do you recall our last little chat? That was not in your favor, now was it?”

  I rolled my eyes for a second time. “I don’t see a force field anywhere. Or should I?”

  The scientist rolled his eyes.

  “Don’t start with me. I just want to ask you something.”

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