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Jack blinked slowly, forcing himself to sit up.  He couldn't see anything, everywhere around him was blackness. The deadly blackness of the night. Except behind him, a blemish on the horizon lit by a glaring flame, rubble. Rubble.
He lifted himself to his feet, finding his body as light as air and trod slowly, making no sound, towards the light, towards hope, not knowing what he would find. As he approached from what had seemed so close, but turned out to be so far, he heard noises. Panicked noises.
Suddenly there were people everywhere, lights flashing, people calling. And the acidic scent of burning metal and fuel filled all the empty spaces. He could see people running everywhere, between more people lying on the ground, under the rubble.
He dodged left to avoid a flame and caught a glimpse of more rubble a few meters away, lying untouched. He headed tentatively towards it, his tread so quiet.
The rubble was a small pile, a small flame at one edge but much blacker than that of the larger pile nearby. It looked more dangerous, more unassuming because of that. Maybe that was what drew Jack in.
When he got to it, standing over the pile of disaster, he saw it. The faint whiteness of a hand and then the pale palor of a face, but not just any face...

Author Note
A cliffhanger such fun. Please feel free to skip the next part, it standing but I'm going to write it anyway.
So firstly, RoadTrip said in their dare video they were going to read fanfics it would be crazy if they read this. It's not great though they'd probably hate it, but it would be crazy if they did.
Also I feel really bad because today we were programming robots to move around a room and mine accidentally ran over one of Doug's relations. I'm so sorry Doug.
Plus this chapter nearly made me cry, thinking about all the rubble everywhere. Okay finished.
Thanks for listening to my waffle if you read this far.
I just realised this author note is almost as long as the story part. Woops.😀😀
Love you all

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