Coming To You

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Rye sat shakily on the sofa in Maya's living room, staring across at her as she sat elegantly on the chair opposite.
"You better start talking, Mum'll be back soon and she'll kill both of us if she sees you." Maya said, calm and collected about the situation.
"So that day, obviously you'd gone out to meet some friends and me and the boys went to the gym. For some reason that day, I decided to push myself as far as I'd go, it was so satisfying but I forgot my limits, I kept going even though I was past what I could do.
I think I was doing sit ups or something and the. I started feeling really faint, so I left the boys an wandered outside for some fresh air.
There was this girl sat on the steps outside to and she came over to me. She was pretty, I guess, but nothing compared to you. I was in a daze, dizzy and way out of control of my body. She must've seen that, as she came over to me and led me away from the gym.
I didn't realise what was happening until we were far away from the gym, but even then I'd taken so much from my body there was no way I could walk back, so she continued to lead me far away. "
He paused for breath, looking up to see Maya's gaze fixed firmly on him. He took a deep breath and then continued.
"She stopped me from leaving Maya, there really was nothing I could do to stop it from happening. I love you Maya and I know I hurt you then. I can't live with myself knowing I did that, you have to understand I'd never do anything to hurt you deliberately. But you know what, maybe your safer with out me. I don't want to hurt you again and if it means keeping you safe, then I'll stay away, no matter how much it will hurt me..."

Author Note
Okay so I wasn't sure how dramatic to go with this so please let me k ow what you think. I know the chapters haven't got longer but I think I'm going to leave them this short.
I hope you liked it and I want you to know this story is kind of coming to a close.
Please vote and comment to let me know what you think.
Love you all

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