Chapter 3

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*Jenna's pov*

*next day*

I woke up from my deep deep slumber to the smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes, also the sound of people talking.

"ugh" I screamed into my pillow but it came out muffled.



I got up as fast as I could from bed (which isn't very fast lazy)

I got my bat from behind my door and went slowly down the hall to see these INTRUDERS!

When I got close enough I dicided to just close my eyes and hope for the best. OH WELLLL wish me luck :**btw tell my parents I love them.....and that I broke SOME of they're china. Woops?


When I didnt hear anyone I opened my eyes to 3 girls with their eyes as wide as ping pongs.

OH these arent any girls! Theyre my best friends! Haha ......oops....

"haha oops? Sorry guys I thought you came to kill me?" I said but came out as more of a question.

Then they did something I would of NEVER thought they would do!







Dafuqqq?!?! Who laughs at these things?! We'll me ....if I wasn't the one who embarrassed herself.

"staphhh guysss it wasnt even that funny" I whined , pouted then stomped my foot like a 5 year old child would when they don't get they're way.

"s-s- sorry jen its just that *Laugh* you *laugh*came in *laugh* like *bursts out laughing*" Monique said or tried to.

Oh right how rude of me! Let me introduce you to these crazy hoes I call my best friends!

Lets start of with...Monique!

She is about 5'6 or taller and she has brown eyes with black hair that reaches a little bit after her shoulders. She's not funny......she's HALARIOUS!

Haha. Shes a great friend that you can count on with anything and to keep secrets (; 


Now number 2. Juliette! She's around 5'7 and the tallest in the group.

She has a long brown hair that reaches about her waist. She has brown eyes too hers are cute though! They're like round little buttons on there!  Haha sorry ..she can be serious at times but also a party animal when appropriate. Haha.

She's an amazing friend and we've know each other since diapers. :')


We'll jeez fast....

I SAID NEXT!! okay!! Okay damn.

Last but not least is Rose.

She has soft brown eyes with soft brown hair. She's 5'4 or 5'5 can't say exacly..... She is like the "mother" of the group. She ALWAYS is saying " Better be a safe than sorry." Can get on your nerves sometimes when your trying to have fun but at least she cares. She is not always up tight and know when to have fun. But if anything were to happen she'd be the first one to say "I told you so."

Anyways that's them. My best friends ^.^ Couldn't picture life without them.

"how did you guys get in?" I asked

"your spare know you should find a better place than under your WELCOME mat" Juliette said

"dammit that mat is a lie! " I muttered

"what?" Asked Rose

"NOTHING!" I said immediately.

The girls stared at me like I had 3 heads..OH WELLL.

"so London? EEKKK can't wait to see London eye!!!" Juliette squealed

"and cute guys!" Said Monique

"and the beautiful sceneries" added Rose

"AND FOOD!" I yelled

"of course you would say that jen" they said simultaneously.

Woah. Talk about creepyy.

"what time is it?" I asked

I forgot to pack and shouldn't we be in leaving?

"7:46 am " Juliette responded not taking her eyes of the telly.

I froze.


"shit shit shit shit shiitt" I muttered

"you didn't pack did you?" Monique asked but something tells me she already knows the answer.

"ummm no?" I said quietly because in





"YOU WHAT!?!" Screamed Juliette

".......GO.PACK.NOW." Rose demanded sternly while rubbing her temples.

"ok ok geez." I muttered

hoes need help damn.

*1 hour later*

"FINALLY!" I sighed in relief

Done packing. Pheww.

About 15 minutes later I went back to the kitchen and saw they we're just waiting for me. They had everything done. Like put the suitcases in the trunk and are breakfast. Now they're just chillin on the couch like thugs and im here with a bunch of bags that can break my arms off!!


did you hear that?!

I think my arm fractured!!!!

Ok ok im being dramatic. But why's do you expect? ...exactly.

"well don't mind me im just cruisn along with bags 2X HEAVIER THAN ME!!" I yelled the last part.

But only got responded with

Yeahs and a  "that's nice"

Once I got the bags in the car. We we're OFF TO A NEW .........timezone?

Oh well....this is gonna be some trip I thought.


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Buh bye baes cx

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