Chapter 3: Almost there

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Arabella sat on a bench all alone waiting for the train to take her to Whyteleafe school. She saw a few other members of her form: some newish, some old and some she hadn't seen before. Joan was looking around anxiously for Elizabeth and thought that Arabella might know since she was staying with her.

"Umm... Arabella... is ... is Elizabeth with you?" she asked, feeling quite shy.

"No, she isn't," said Arabella, who had been dreading this moment.

"Why not?" Joan gasped, fearing the worst.

"She... has... got the flu." she said quickly, hoping Joan would accept it and walk away.

"But... it's summer..." said Joan, feeling confused.

"Well, she has a bad cold then," she snapped, " Call it what you like."

Joan doubted this but knew better than to go on since when Arabella snapped, it often meant do would do something silly. She walked away and saw Jennifer and grinned. Many people arrived and the chatter grew louder and louder. 

Mrs Moore gathered up the fourth form and looked at them. 

"The fourth form is a serious place now," she said, glaring at them. "I expect no more than your very best all the time so you are ready for the sixth form." 

Jenny grinned at Belinda and she grinned back. They loved jokes and wouldn't let them go! Mrs Moore caught the grins and stared at them for a long time.

"Miss, is anything wrong?" asked Julian, innocently. The class roared with laughter.

"I can see that you wish to be silly and that means that lots of punishments will be in store," she said cooly.

The class fell deadly silent and then a couple of seconds later, a whistle rang and a navy blue train labelled 'Reserved for Whyteleafe School'  drew up. They started chattering again and they all got in noisily. Jenny has a box of sweets and offered them round to everyone. Everyone took them and smiled at her. All but one. One called Maisie Marcus. She scowled at them and shook her long black plaits heavily. Jenny imitated the scowling girl and then the groups of chattering girls burst out laughing. Many hours passed and soon they were at the station and got out one by one. The new children gazed round, thinking that they were there!

In the fourth with the naughtiest girl {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now