Chapter 4 - Monsters

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"W..." Sally wanted to ask, but she wasn't sure what to say, and then the strange person apparently named Ben sighed.

"Go ahead. Say whatever."

"Why...are you inside that TV?" Sally asked, tilting her head in curiosity. there was a pause before Ben answered.

"Would you rather me be where you can see me?"

Sally wasn't too sure if she could trust that, so she asked another question. "How did you get in the TV?"

"Same way I get into any other device. Cables and cords, little Sally. Cables and cords." Again, Sally jumped a bit when she heard her name. How did this person know who she was? Before she could ask, Ben spoke again. "It's quite easy, really."

But then the screen flickered, leaving the room in pitch darkness for a split second before lighting up again. It kept doing that for another second, but the moment it flickered back on, Sally was startled when she saw someone physically standing in front of that TV now. It was a boy that stood a bit taller than her. Something long and pointy stretched from the head, most likely a hat that, within the dim light, appeared to be green. Sally could see the messy blond hair that stuck out from under that hat, and then she saw the oddly pointed ears.

He's facing her and away from the screen, so it was difficult to see his shadowed appearance. She couldn't see his face well, but his eyes were darkened in the shade, almost looking as though he didn't have any eyes at all. She could see the dark blood dripping down his cheeks and she could see that little grin on his face.

"Hello," he greeted, his head tilting upwards a bit, but that didn't help her see his eyes.

"Hi," she whispered cautiously. Sally knew his appearance looks familiar, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Then she remembered a game her father used to play. Legend of Zelda? She tilted her head again, comparing this person from the main character. With that little thought, she felt her lips tilt and she let out a little giggle.

"You look like Link," she found herself saying. "Link from Legend of Zelda."

It was dead silent for a good two moments. Ben just stared.

But then, with a little crackling sound, his head tilted to the side, and his grin widened at her, but it had an eerie edge to it. It was more wicked than friendly. The next thing Sally knew was that he flew in an inhuman speed right at her, and then she was slammed into the wall behind her.

Sally's eyes had squeezed shut at the impact, but then her eyes soon snapped open to meet his. Now that she was close enough, she could see that he really didn't have eyes. Where his eyes should be were pitch black sockets with blood running from them, but they still somehow glared rihgt into her gaze.

His lips were curled into a snarl, telling her indirectly that she had angered him. "You shouldn't have said that. I. Am not. Link," he growled at her, then he shouted into her face. "I'm Ben! Got it!?"

His hands had a tight grip on her shoulders, somehow lifting her off of the ground despite the fact that he should be no stronger than she is, and he shook her harshly. Her bloodied hands grabbed at his arms and she kicked and struggled, trying to make him release her. During the sudden impact, she had dropped her knife, so she couldnt defend herself wiht her weapon. All she could really do is hit and kick, all of which seemed to be ineffective.

"!" She rasped, unable to stop herself from whimpering. She hadn't been touched ever since she died, and the last time she was grabbed like this, held in place...the memory made her gasp for air in panic and she struggled harder, biting her teeth together hard to keep from sobbing. She was near breaking point, and she was close to begging him to let her go. He kept his grip on her, unaffected by her struggling, but then he slammed her into the wall again, harder this time.

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