Chapter 16 - Slaughter in the Moonlight

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The policemen are in sight, and there are quite a few. Ten or fifteen, at least, surrounding the area. They didn't come here just to arrest these killers, they came here to use all the force they had, and possibly even kill the homicidal beings.
Flashlight beams darted to every inch of the night in search of the killers, walking around as silently as they could, but not silent enough, for it is easy to hear their frantic footsteps.
Just as one came around to where Jeff is, he leaped out and quickly slit the cop's throat, and so he soon went limp without a sound. Jeff lay the body onto the ground so he wouldn't make any noise, and in one quick swipe, he slit a smile into the face. Then he quickly hid behind the fence again, awaiting in rigid excitement for another victim.
Another cop came to the area and immediately found the body. He knelt beside him to examine and saw the slit throat and the smile carved into his face.
The man removed the safety off of his gun and pulled out his walkie.
"We've already lost one of our men. Jeff the Killer is in the area, we need more backup."
Right then, Jeff jumped out to make another kill.
Two more cops came around the other side of the house, near Hoodie. Hoodie came up behind one, covered his mouth and pulled him out of sight. The second cop turned to find that his partner had vanished. He began to look around quickly, so he didn't see Hoodie run in behind him and stabbed his upper back. The cop was about to scream, but Hoodie raised his blade and pressed it to the man's throat in order to silence him, now knocking the gun out of the cop's hand.
"Now now, no screaming." Hoodie cooed into the officer's ear. "Be quiet, will you?"
Then he reached around and stabbed the man in the chest. He fell to the ground in a heavy thud, which was heard by a few other nearby policemen.
They quickly made their way to that area, but Hoodie is no longer there, so all they found is the officer's body.
Their flashlights scanned around the place, and as they did that, Sally made her way over to them.
Two of them saw her and averted their flashlights over in her direction.
"What? What are you doing out here at this time of night, kid?" One of them asked and the others turned to see her too, all of their flashlights on her.
Sally made sure her knife is hidden behind the folds of her nightgown and she stared silently up at the men.
One of them brought out his walkie-talkie. "There's a girl out here, and I think one of the killers attacked her. She's covered in blood."
Another man approached calmly to her. "Where's your home? I'll take you back to your house so you won't get hurt-"
The moment he got close enough to her, kneeling down in front of her, she shoved her knife into his neck, cutting his voice off.
His back is turned to the other policemen behind him, and he blocked their sight of Sally, so they don't know what just happened. At least that's until the man collapsed, revealing the smiling girl holding out a bloody knife.
"She just stabbed him!" One of them exclaimed in shock, but then suddenly he cried out in pain.
They turned towards him, and soon a flashlight beam caught a glimpse of a face. Not any face, a face with a smile slit into his cheeks. A face that haunts this city's nightmares. But it was only for a split second, and once that beam of light returned to that same place, Jeff is no longer there.
They immediately began looking around to find him again, but then another man cried out in agony and then bullets flew through the air, echoing through the dark neighborhood. The beams of flashlights whipped around wildly as the men searched in panic.
Hoodie soon ran up from the dark and stabbed the back of another cop.
One of them managed to run out of there, dropping his flashlight and breaking into a sprint, but not before he almost ran into Sally, whom smiled up at him.
He gasped, ready to call out, but she had already dug her blade into his leg, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground. Then Sally towered over him, seeing his eyes widening in the dark as he tried to scramble away.
"N-No!" He stuttered, but it was already too late as Sally jumped onto him and began repeatedly stabbing his torso. His screams of agony soon gurgled and died out.
The only sound left is the slash as Sally's knife cut through the sliced up flesh. Blood poured around the body, some spattering on Sally as she continued her assault, unleashing her anger onto the corpse.
Die, die, die. Those were the words that repeated in her head, over and over. Her eyes are glazed over, unfocused, wide, and dilated. She's almost unconscious of what she's even doing at the moment, But then her attack was suddenly cancelled as someone grabbed her wrist as it was raised to make another strike, and stopped her from continuing.
"That's enough," Hoodie's voice was soft as he spoke to her, and it seemed to break through to her, bringing her back into awareness. Sally let him stop her. She's trembling and breathing heavily as she attempts to regain control of herself. Once she began to relax, Hoodie released her arm and Sally let it fall to her side as she climbs off of the dead cop. She didn't look at the body.
"Did we get 'em all?" Hoodie asked, looking around and seeing nothing but fallen flashlights and bloody bodies.
Jeff snorted. "For now."
Just as those words left his mouth, they heard the sirens, even the blades of a chopper, in the distance.
"Backup," Jeff muttered, then he turned towards Hoodie. "Get Sally and Masky and get out of here. You've had your fun, now go."
"Oh, so you're gonna have all the fun without us?" Masky asked from behind the tree, where he had remained hidden throughout the ordeal.
"Yep," Jeff responded nonchalantly.
Hoodie went over to Masky and helped him stand. Masky seethed, but he managed to stand just fine on one leg.
Sally felt concerned for the masked killer, but she could do nothing but follow as they headed back to Jeff's house for safety. She let her mind fall blank, and didn't allow herself to think of anything. Not about the murders she just committed, not about the fury that continues to infiltrate her being, not about the fear of immortality, just nothing.
So then she follows Masky and Hoodie as they led the way back to Jeff's place.
Jeff stayed behind, staring at the bodies at his feet as blood rushed through his head like a hurricane. His vision is a red haze and his bloodlust is so powerful his body is trembling with it.
He had to use all his might not to run after them and kill them himself, but he heard what Slender Man said about Sally. She's fucking immortal, Jeff can't kill her.
However, Hoodie and Masky aren't. But Jeff resisted the urge to go after them. He needs to remind himself that Slender Man will not be happy if Jeff killed those two. Bedsides, they can be useful sometimes.
Jeff managed to stand still as the sirens and the helicopter came closer and closer.
Then, it made him remember that day. It's not the first time a situation like this reminded him of it. The day he killed his parents and his brother.
Their screams echoed through his ears to replace the sirens. His vision filled with the images of his own hands slaughtering his parents, their horrified faces full of agony. Their eyes staring up at him as if he's a monster, no longer their son.
Jeff can hear the cars screech to a stop, doors slamming open and shut, but he didn't care.
Now all he has left of his family are old pictures and memories. Pictures that stare at him from the walls. Memories that haunt his dreams.
Jeff has long accepted the fact that he can't fight off his demons.
Because he's one of them.
He saw the flashlight beams shift towards his area, he heard footsteps running around houses and through the yards, coming closer.
Jeff tightened his already strong grip on his bloody knife, no more ready to kill than he ever will be.
He knows he could very easily die tonight, but so what? The fear he's left in this city is enough to make him immortal in their minds.
He doesn't need to live forever to know that he'll always be remembered.
Jeff the Killer grinned.

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