Chapter 32 - Deranged

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Masky, Hoodie, and Jeff finally made it back to Jeff's house, fortunately without getting caught.
Sally looked over to see the back door opening, and then the three stumbled in. Masky is panting, now dropping Jeff. Jeff still can't stand on his legs, so he collapsed onto the floor heavily.
"Fuck you, Masky." He grunted.
"Shut up, you're fine."
Eyeless Jack shook his head as he walked over to Jeff, then lifted him from his underarms and began dragging him to the couch, leaving a small trail of blood on the way.
Hoodie sighed heavily and exclaimed as he raised his hands into the air, "We made it!"
"And lived!" Masky added.
Eyeless Jack huffed. "Jeff, why are you so reckless? First you get drunk in broad daylight, and then you get run over by a truck."
Jeff managed a slight chuckle, despite his situation. "What's that phrase everyone says? YOLO?"
"Don't even get me started on that..." Jack sighed as he set Jeff onto the couch, and when he realized that Jeff isn't able to lift his legs himself, Jack picked them up and gently set them along the cushions. The limbs had no natural response; they're practically dead weight. They're obviously broken, due to their odd angles and the blood and the bone, but they also seem to be completely useless.
"Isn't that what kids say these days?" Jeff asked mockingly, but then he growled under his breath at the pain in his waist.
"'YOLO' isn't an excuse to be an idiot," Jack advised with a little growl of irritation.
"Whatever," Jeff muttered, wiping blood from his mouth and nose, but then his head began to feel light and his nausea had returned.
"Hey, you don't look so good," Hoodie pointed out, noticing Jeff's sudden weary demeanor.
"We can't blame 'im. Seriously, it's like his whole body is broken." Masky said, but then Jeff suddenly went limp and quiet.
Sally stared at Jeff, waiting for Jeff to sit up again, but there was no other movement.
"Jeff?" Masky asked, but Jeff didn't respond. Jeff's lidless eyes stared, unfocused, and he's dangerously still.
"He only passed out," Hoodie guessed, but then he had to consider. "Right?"
"Oh, fuck," Ben muttered, but then Jack immediately went to Jeff's side, grabbing his wrist to feel for a pulse.
The room is tense and achingly silent as Jack pressed his fingers to Jeff's wrist.
"He's still alive," Jack announced and it the anxious intensity in the room died away. "He must have fainted."
Jack moved Jeff so that Jeff is laying down on the couch. Masky grabbed the old rag that sat on the back of the couch and covered Jeff's eyes with it.
"Well, what are we supposed to do now?" Hoodie asked.
"Keep inside during the day," Jack said, now turning to face them. "We may need to leave town. It's too risky to stay here with all this security."
"Jeff's probably not gonna like that when he wakes up," Masky crossed his arms. "This is his house."
"He would have to deal with it," Jack said, putting his gloved hands into the pockets of his black hoodie. "If he wakes up."
"What do you mean 'if'?" Ben asked, raising an eyebrow.
Jack sighed and turned to Jeff, now grabbing the hem of the white blood-stained hoodie and lifting it, then lifted Jeff's black shirt to reveal deep bruises and cuts along Jeff's pale torso. Dry blood still clung to his skin and some of his cuts are still bleeding.
Then Jack lifted the clothing even higher to show Jeff's chest, which is also bruised and it's obvious some of his ribs are broken.
"His pelvis must be in pieces," Jack said, now pulling the hoodie and shirt back down to cover the wounds.
"He needs a hospital," Sally spoke up.
Ben snorted. "As if anyone would help an infamous serial killer."
"Exactly," Jack said. "Jeff has no way to recover properly if we can't get professional attention. He won't survive like this."
"Well, shit." Masky muttered, brushing his hand through his brown hair.
"I can sneak into the hospital and steal the supplies Jeff needs," Ben suggested with a shrug. "Shouldn't be too hard. It's not perfect, but it'll help, right?"
"Well," Jack said, glancing at Jeff before turning back to Ben with a sigh. "You'll need disinfectants, bandages, plaster to make casts, and the proper items for stitches. Can you handle that?"
Ben nodded, then turned to walk away. "Alright, this shouldn't take long."
He set his hand on the television, and within the next second, he was gone.
Now, it's silent, so when Masky's stomach growled, everyone in the room heard and looked at him.
He shrugged. "What? I'm hungry."
"Get something to eat," Hoodie insisted. "How long has it been? A week since you last ate?"
"I dunno," Masky muttered as he stood from the chair and mumbled under his breath as he made his way into the kitchen. "Wonder if Jeff has any food."
Sally bit her lip and looked down at the knife in her hand. What should she do now?
A part of her wants to search for Johnny and rip him into shreds for what he's done, for everything he's done. He has no right to come back and become immortal, whether it was his choice or not. He doesn't deserve to have a second chance at life, and she doesn't deserve to be forever tormented by him.
Just then, Ben's words echoed in her mind.
"Be careful who you make enemies with, because you may be in an eternal war with them."
If Johnny is immortal, just like Sally, then they will forever fight each other, forever battle.
Neither will die, neither will give up, the game could go on forever.
An eternal war.
Sally gritted her teeth a bit and clenched her knife tighter. She will not give in to him. She will not show weakness.
She will not give Johnny mercy. She will stand and fight, even if it lasts for all of eternity.
Anger bloomed once more and the need to lash out emerged. The desire for violence and blood came along quickly, becoming more powerful by the second. Her need to kill rapidly increased and her breathing became heavy. This time, she couldn't fight it, and she easily surrendered to the fury.
"Sal?" Hoodie asked, but she didn't look at him. Her gaze is glued to the blade in her hand.
Sally closed her eyes, and as she did, the memories of old events flashed through her sight with vague imagery.
Johnny, his dark eyes filled with lust and fury, the last thing she saw before she died. A long, lonely travel through the town trying to find her home. Her first kill, the blood on her hands, all the kills she's made, the torn body of Johnny lying at her feet, the joy and pure malice she felt as she killed him.
Sally longs for more blood. No, she needs more blood. She needs that feel on her hands, she needs to release these emotions, expressing them by stabbing, cutting, tearing, ending.
Her eyes opened and her vision is a red haze, and she can barely think. She's completely given in to her Monster, and it takes control with pleasure.
Eyeless Jack immediately understood what is happening and fearlessly set a hand on her shoulder, causing her to jerk away in response.
"Take deep breaths," he advised. "You can't go out, not right now. Not in the daylight when anyone can see you."
Her head snapped up and her glare met his gaze.
"Why does it matter?" Sally's voice is sharp and cold. "I can't die. I'm too fast for them. I'm too strong for them. It shouldn't matter if they see me or not."
Sally turned and headed for the back door, and she heard Jack call after her.
"Sally, that's not-"
She shut the door behind her, and without any hesitation, she made her way through the backyard.
Most likely, all the people in this neighborhood would be within their houses, praying that locked doors and windows would keep the monsters out.
Little do they know that these monsters are smarter than they think, and they're out for blood, for some sort of appeasement. Windows and doors can't keep them out; they never have.
Sally decided to keep behind the houses as she tried to find a house a good distance away from Jeff's, so that the police won't get too suspicious of that area. Wouldn't want her only safe haven to be taken away.
Sally stumbles, almost blind with bestial compulsion as her body trembles under the pulsating rage. The blood returned, spilling down her face and her legs. Of course it couldn't hold back for long, and she couldn't forget about it for long, either. The reminder of the truth was imminent.
Out of nowhere, her vision flashed an image of that boy she met at the park, Malcolm.
Her mind replayed the melody of his guitar, she remembered his deep blue eyes, the way they seemed to reflect the universe.
She was reminded of the peace she felt, the calmness she had at that playground.
Sally blinked when she noticed something. She had stopped walking, but that isn't exactly the change she feels.
She feels calmer now, more stabilized as clarity swept through her mind that's still trying to recover from its loss of control.
She's in charge of herself again. Just by the thought of a boy and his guitar?
Sally stood in wonder for a few moments. This is the first time anything has ever tamed her once her fury was unleashed. Even the burning in her hand had faded away, the knife doesn't seem so noticeable now.
How? Why?
More questions swirled in her head. What is she supposed to do now? Should she go back? Keep going forward?
The urge to slay seems so pointless now.
Should she let her bloodlust consume her once more without any interference, or let this soothing melody play in her head, keep her under control?
Then, she just decided to turn off her mind for a bit, closing her eyes as she let the music of the guitar play in her mind. She pictured herself at the playground, with birds singing as the grass and trees are luminescent with life, and the melody of a guitar playing softly.
Sally sat down on the grassy ground and leaned against the nearby tree. She's in the backyard of a house, but hopefully those people are smart enough not to come outside.
Her eyes slowly opened and her emerald gaze drifted upwards to the bright green leaves above her, and the blue sky peaking through.
Then she glanced down at her knife still tight in her grasp.
It doesn't matter if she feels tamed at the moment, she's still a monster. She'll never be a normal girl again. She doesn't deserve to be forgiven for what she's done. Perhaps she deserves to be stuck in this purgatory, immortal and intermediately plagued with convoluted, wicked intentions.
She exhaled softly and stared up into the tree above her, letting her imagination gallop around like a free, wild horse. It's been a while since she let her imagination take control, but now she feels as if she's just a normal little girl with a wild, unpredictable mind.
So Sally sat under the tree in wonder. The melody of a guitar and singing birds was her lullaby as she slowly dozed off and drifted into sleep.

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