Chapter 35 - Truth is Inevitable

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Malcolm blinked in surprise when those words showed up.
Sally was about to take the controller from Malcolm when they heard Samantha's call.
"Bedtime, guys!"
  Malcolm sighed, pausing his game and setting his controller down. He motioned for Sally to follow, then walked out of the room.
Sally didn't know she was holding her breath until she let it out, relieved that nothing bad happened.
She stared at the television screen for a moment, then spoke up.
"I know you're there, Ben." Sally whispered. "Please...don't hurt Malcolm. He's my friend."
When she was met with silence, she sighed softly and stood up, and turned to walk out.
Once Sally heard the familiar voice, she turned to see the screen flickering again, but then it stopped.
"So that's what you've been doing? Making friends?" Ben's voice hissed through the speakers, and the next thing Sally knew, a figure formed in front of the television screen, and before it took complete form, it flew towards Sally with impressive speed and grabbed her shoulders.
Sally gasped and saw Ben fully formed before her, glaring into her gaze and grasping tightly at her shoulders.
"Why would you be friends with a human boy like him!?" He spoke through his teeth, shaking her lightly. "He's mortal! He's nothing like us! Does he even know you're a murderer!?"
"N-No," Sally's voice shook as she tried to push Ben away, but it was ineffective.
"You're so stupid, thinking you could be friends with these people!" Ben forced a laugh, but he still glared at her. "They'll find out about you, and when they do, they'll be scared of you. They'll hate you. You're a murderer, what do you expect them to think? Sooner or later you'll realize that you can't control your need to kill, and when you do, they'll be the one you let it out on."
"I won't!" Sally protested, shaking her head. "I can control it!"
"For how long?" Ben asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking wickedly. Sally didn't know how to respond to that, and so she averted her gaze.
"Listen," Ben said, forcing her to look at him again. "When he finds out, he won't accept it. He won't accept you. Besides, do you really think you could stay friends with him forever? You can't. You know why? Because you're immortal, and he's not. He'll grow old and die as you watch his pitiful life fly by."
Sally's eyes widened, realizing that what Ben is saying is true, no matter how much Sally didn't want to listen.
Ben shook his head and stepped away from Sally. "Do you see it now? You're being a fool!"
"Sh-Shut up, Ben!" Sally shouted, squeezing her eyes shut and covering her ears.
Then the playroom door slammed open and Samantha ran in once she heard Sally's raised voice.
Sally's eyes snapped open when she heard the noise and saw Samantha walk in. Sally looked over at Ben only to find out that he's already gone.
"What's wrong?" Samantha asked, walking over to Sally, who stumbled back, away from her.
"N-Nothing," Sally stuttered, and she swore she heard a distant snicker.
Sally's eyes glanced towards the window of the playroom, but since it is dark outside, she can't see if anyone is out there, but she has a feeling that someone is out there.
Sally clenched her hands into fists and hid them within the folds of her dirty nightgown.
"Alright, well, let's get you to bed. Do you want your nightgown washed?" Samantha asked, placing a hand on Sally's back and guiding her out of the room. "It's still covered in blood."
It's not just her blood that's staining her nightgown. It's probably best that she doesn't say that, though.
There's a feeling on Sally's back, as if someone is watching them as they walked out and closed the door behind them.
Sally shook her head. "Um, no...i-it's okay."
"Are you sure? I'm sure that now you don't want all that on there."
"It's fine."
"Well, alright. But would you like some milk before going to bed? Or some pain killers?" Samantha asked as they walked up the stairs and to the bedrooms.
Sally shook her head. "No, I'm good."
"Alright, hon." Samantha patted gently on Sally's back.
Sally walked into Alexis's room, which is dark now that the light is off. Alexis is curled up under her blanket on her bed, sleeping silently.
"There's a few extra blankets and pillows sitting on the chair over there," Samantha whispered as she pointed to the chair.
Sally nodded. "Thanks."
"Goodnight," Samantha told Sally softly, then closed the door, leaving Sally in darkness.
Sally didn't bother with the pillows and blankets, and she definitely doesn't want to share a bed, so she just silently sat on the floor and curled up on her side, hugging her knees closely.
She tried not to think about what Ben had said. All she cared for right now is that she's making friends who are normal and make her feel normal as well. The stubborn, childish part of her doesn't want to listen to the inevitable truth.
She has to think about what she should do tomorrow. How can she convince Samantha not to take Sally to the police station and probably send her to an orphanage? Sally can try to escape in the morning, or maybe once she gets to the station, she can fight her way out if she has to.
Sally closed her eyes and let images and voices flash through her mind once more as she fell asleep.

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