Chapter 7 - Pitch Black Eyes and a Pitch Black Soul

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Sally and Jeff were silent as they rushed through the yards. Sally continued to push herself with her slow speed to catch up with the quick killer, but it doesn't seem to work.

Jeff quickly noticed that she's lagging behind, then he slowed down and turned to her with an agitated sigh. "Seriously?"

Sally panted as she gave him an apologetic expression.

After a moment, Jeff sighed again and walked over to her. "I know you're a lot faster than this. I've seen your true speed. Why can't you use that now?"

Sally swallowed as she slowed to a stop. "I-I don't know. I can't really control it."

"Can't control it," Jeff repeats under his breath irritably, then spoke up. "Fine, but try to go a little faster. We're almost there."

He was telling the truth, because they made it to his place before long. They approached the backyard of a two-story house that seemed unkept and looked like it would to fall apart. Jeff walked up to the back door with Sally a few steps behind. "Go ahead and take one of the extra rooms. I don't care which one, but just don't go into my room."

Sally bit her lip. How would she know which room was his?

Jeff noticed her hesitance and rolled his eyes. "You'll know which one is my room once you see it."

He seemed to be pretty indifferent about Sally staying at his place compared to how he reacted to the idea of it earlier. He really dind't care, as long as she dind't stay for long, she assumed.

Jeff opened his back door and strode in, leaving it open for Sally to enter. Once she did, she closed the wooden door softly behind her, now looking around the place. The back door led straight to a kitchen, which looked as if it hadn't been used properly in years. Glass bottles littered the floor and counter, some shattered, and some weren't even empty. There was an odd smell about this room, a mixture of mold and alcohol. Sally scrunched up her face in disgust as she followed Jeff into the living room.

Jeff then slumped onto his couch, huffing. Sally stood a few feet away from the couch, observing the silent room. The couch Jeff laid on was tattered and dirty from years of use, the floor was unswept and layered in crumbs, shards of glass, clothing, and some food wrappers from various places.

Jeff stared emptily at the black TV in front of him, leaving the room in silence. It wasan uncomfortable silence, an awkward, slow few moments. It took a little bit for Sally to relax, but then tensed up again as she began to notice a strange feeling, as if someone else, besides the two, was in the room. Before Sally could look in the direction her instincts wanted her to face, she heard a voice speak up. A woman's voice.

"Who is that, Jeff? You're not one to kidnap."

Jeff quickly jumped up with his knife in hand, swirling around to see someone standing in the back corner of the room.

Sally saw too, and the corner was dark, hidden in the shadows where the dim lights did not reach, so she could understand how they didn't notice the figure at first sight. Whoever they were was wearing a long, silky black cloak. By the shape of the body, it must be a woman. Her hood was up, covering part of her face, so Sally couldn't see the eyes. Her long black hair flowed from under the hood and past her shoulder in loose curls. The skin on her face was unnaturally pale, as pale as the moonlight that streamed through the window near her, and her full lips were painted black.

"When the hell did you get here?" Jeff demanded, standing in a position that told everyone that he was ready to fight. Sally felt conflicted about what to do, so she kept her knife close in hand, hiding it just in case, and staring at the woman cautiously.

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