Chapter 33 - Friends?

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"Are you still sleeping?"
Sally's eyebrows furrowed and her face formed a sleepy frown when she heard the voice, but when she heard nothing else, she let herself relax and drift into sleep again.
Until she felt a poke on her cheek and her eyes snapped open.
The first thing Sally saw was that little girl, Alexis, the girl Sally met at the playground earlier, kneeling beside her. Her head is tilted, making her dark hair fall to the side, and her blue eyes stared curiously at Sally.
Sally's eyes widened and she sat up in a panic, quickly glancing around to find herself in an unfamiliar living room. When did she get in here? And how? She was sure she was outside.
She's laying on a deep blue couch and she felt something around her head. Her hand shot up to touch her forehead to feel...bandages?
"Mommy!" Alexis stood and called. "She's awake!"
Sally's breathing quickened. What happened? Where is she? Should she run?
She heard footsteps and saw that woman, Samantha, enter the room. When she saw Sally, her worried expression became one of relief.
"Oh, good, you're okay!" She breathed as she came over to Sally.
Sally tensed up and was about to jump off of the couch, but she fought the urge. She'll find a way out, just don't make these people suspicious.
"We found you in the backyard," Samantha explained, now sitting on her knees next to the couch and her hand reached out to lay her fingers gently on the bandages. Sally willed herself not to pull away. "Your head wound could have killed you, I'm surprised you haven't..."
Her voice trailed off, but then she spoke again "Your wound is terrible. What happened, sweetie?"
Sally is at loss for words. What should she say?
"U-Um..." Sally's voice is quiet and her eyes darted around as she tried to think of what to say.
"Do you remember?" Samantha asked, her eyebrows furrowing with concern.
Quickly, Sally shook her head as she took this advantage. "N-No."
"Well, I was thinking of taking you to the hospital-"
Sally gasped and her eyes widened, and her voice was frantic when she spoke. "No! Don't!"
Samantha and Alexis looked at her in confusion and Sally swallowed hard.
"D-Don't," she persisted. "I'll be okay."
"But, sweetie, your head-"
"I'll be okay!" Sally repeated, her wide eyes staring deeply into Samantha's blue ones, silently pleading for Samantha not to take Sally to the hospital. It will only cause more trouble for Sally. The world is already freaking out over the whole "Killer Gang" thing, but now what if everyone knew she was an undead child? She does not want that much attention.
Samantha noticed the desperate look in Sally's gaze and sighed. "Alright, you're lucky I'm a nurse. Um, what about your parents? Do you know where they live?"
Sally bit her lip. "I-I..."
What should she say?
"I don't have parents," Sally found herself whispering.
Samantha's eyes widened. "You don't?'re on your own?"
Sally nodded, averting her gaze away."
"Can she live with us, Mommy?" Alexis asked, looking at her mother.
Samantha shook her head. "No, Lexi, she can't live here. Your Daddy and I don't have responsibility over her. We'll take her to a police station instead to-"
"No!" Sally exclaimed, but Samantha shook her head.
"Sorry sweetie, but I can't let you live on your own," she said softly.
"He can stay for one day, Mama!" Alexis pushed, grabbing at Samantha's hand and staring up with an ecstatic and hopeful gaze. "Can she pleeaasse stay the night?"
"Mommy, tell Daddy she's a friend who's having a sleepover with me!" Alexis suggested, rather excited with this 'plan' of hers.
Samantha raised her eyebrows at her daughter. "You want me to lie to your father?"
Alexis nodded. "Yeah! He'll believe it, won't he?"
Samantha closed her eyes and pressed a hand to her forehead. "Lexi..."
"She said she's fine! And if she doesn't have a Mommy or Daddy, then maybe you could be the Mommy!"
"Honey, it doesn't work like that. She doesn't know us, and we don't know her."
"Then we could get to know her!" Alexis argued stubbornly, still tugging at her mother's arm. "But at least let her stay the night! You can take her to the police tomorrow!"
"How will we explain the bandages on her head to your father?"
"Um...she hit her head while playing outside with me?" Alexis asked after a moment of thinking.
Samantha opened her mouth, but she quickly shut it. Her gaze shifted to the floor, seeming to be deep in thought.
She's really considering letting Sally stay here? Sally isn't sure what to think of all this.
Then, Samantha looked at Sally. "Are you okay with this?"
Sally thought for a moment. Of course this isn't a good idea. She doesn't trust these people, and she can't trust herself around them.
She could run away right now, but she doesn't want them to be suspicious of her. They'd know that she's hiding something if she tries to escape. She's already put herself in quite the predicament by convincing Samantha not to take her to the hospital or the police station.
Regret filled her when she learned that Eyeless Jack was right. She shouldn't have went out during the daylight.
Sally's shoulder drooped in defeat as she nodded. "Uh-huh."
Alexis smiled and looked up at her mother, who seemed to be thinking again.
Then Samantha sighed. "Alright, she can stay the night to recover, but tomorrow we're taking her to the station."
"Yay!" Alexis squealed and hugged her mother's legs, then she smiled brightly at Sally.
"You can stay!" She exclaimed happily, maybe too happily as she threw her arms around Sally tightly. Sally tensed up immediately, her hands clenching, but then she realized that her hands are empty.
Where's her knife?
Sally wanted to push Alexis away, but she didn't move. She just gritted her teeth, fighting against her anxiety of the situation and the irritation, but then she heard the front door open and close. Alexis giggled and let Sally go, now looking over at the front door.
"Malcolm!" Alexis chimed. "Look! She's going to stay the night!"
Sally looked over too to see Malcolm walking in. He looked befuddled when he saw Sally, and then his little sister blabbed the story to Malcolm.
"I found her in the backyard and she was sleeping, but she had a boo-boo on her head!" Alexis explained. "Mommy fixed her up, though! She said she has no Mommy or Daddy and Mommy said she can stay the night!"
It took Malcolm a moment to piece together what she said and then seemed to understand the situation better than Alexis. Then he looked at Sally and met her gaze.
Suddenly, Sally felt extremely awkward and averted her gaze away from him.
Samantha rubbed her forehead, looking tired. "Well, if we're going to have a guest here, we will need more food, wouldn't we?"
She grabbed her car keys from the table and she turned to Malcolm. "Mal, can you keep an eye on them while I go to the store?"
He nodded, but then Alexis reached up to grab at Samantha's shirt. "Lemme come with you, Mommy!"
Samantha smiled. "Okay."
Sally straightened up a bit. This can be an advantage to her. If they're not here, then she could easily get away.
Then Samantha looked over at Sally. "Will you be okay with spaghetti tonight?"
Sally nodded, although she's uncertain. She's just going to have to go with it, at least until they're satisfied.
Samantha smiled at her. "Get some rest while we're gone. That wound still hurts, doesn't it?"
Sally looked down to the floor in front of her. Yes, her wound does hurt, but there's nothing that Samantha can do about it.
She nodded again.
"Well, I'll be back soon." Samantha assured, then she and Alexis walked out and into their car, leaving Malcolm and Sally sitting in the living room. Now, it's very silent.
What a situation she has found herself in.
Sally thought about what she should do. Should she run out when Malcolm isn't looking? Should she kill him?
She doesn't feel that sudden urge for murdering, though that won't stop her from killing him, but still.
Usually even the thought of killing would provoke her bloodlust, but not this time.
Could she possibly be gaining control of it?
Sally saw movement and looked up to see Malcolm sitting down onto the couch, now looking at the floor before him, and he said nothing.
"Um..." Sally started and Malcolm looked up at her. He revealed no emotion that she could tell; his expression is blank and his eyes revealed nothing but their mystical color of the deep sea.
"How are you?" Sally asked, hoping to start a conversation so it wouldn't be so silent in here, and maybe she can trick him to leave the room.
He didn't respond. Not a shake of the head, or any hand gesture. He didn't move.
Sally looked down, wondering what to say next, but then the thought hit her. She can try to befriend him, so he could trust her. If he trusts her, then that'll make it easier for her to get out of here.
Sally looked up at Malcolm and asked. " have friends?"
He seemed hesitant, but then he looked down, shaking his head slowly. Sally was a little surprised to see that he actually responded in a way, but then she saw some sort of emotion flash in his eyes. It was something painful, but it was only for a split second, so she must have been imagining it.
She remembers her own friends, the ones she had before...before it happened.
So, maybe trying to make a normal, non-murderous friend wouldn't hurt, would it? She wants to be normal, she wants to feel like a normal girl. She feels more human when she's here, in the presence of this human boy. Maybe befriending him would benefit her more than just an easy escape.
"Can...I be your friend?" Sally asked him. Malcolm looked up at her and his eyes revealed a shocked look, but then they seemed to be questioning her.
Sally nodded to affirm it. "Y-Yeah, I'd like to be your friend. I don't have any friends anymore."
He stared at her for a moment, and then he nodded.
"Um...what do you like to do?" Sally asked, but then she remembered that he doesn't talk. He won't be able to respond to a question like that.
Malcolm didn't do anything for a moment, but then he stood and walked to the shelf on the other side of the room. He reached up, grabbing a pencil from a cup full of pencils and then a piece of paper.
Is Malcolm going to write?
He walked back over to her and sat on the couch, but leaned forward to set the paper on the coffee table before them, and then he began to sketch.
Sally watched as he drew, and she had no clue what he was drawing, but soon enough, he drew the outline of the object and she understood what he's drawing.
It's a guitar.
She nodded, understanding that he likes to play guitar, but then he went to another part of the paper and started drawing something else.
Sally watched as Malcolm's hand glides gracefully along the paper, guiding the pencil to draw what he's picturing in his mind the best he could.
He's drawing an open book, so that means he likes to read, too.
Sally smiled a bit and he looked up at her once he finished drawing.
"I like to read, too," she started. "And...I like playing with dolls, and eating pudding..."
Malcolm's lips tilted into a small grin, his first real expression she's seen from him so far. His small smile made her own smile widen and she giggled a bit.
Then his smile faded away, leaving his usual blank expression on his face again. Sally realizes now that she liked seeing his smile better than his expressionless mask, but she wondered how he would look if he really smiled.
It was silent again for a minute, and Sally wondered what else there is to talk with him about.
Then Malcolm stood and reached his hand out, grabbing her wrist and he pulled her to her feet, then pulled her out of the room and down a hall.
Sally tensed up when she felt his hand on hers, but then she became confused as to where he's taking her. And he sure didn't seem to mind that her hand is unnaturally cold.
He walked up to a door at the end of the hall, and Sally noticed a piece of paper on the door.

1. Do not draw in, rip, or throw books! Put books back where you found them when you're finished!
2. Do not touch the piano without Mom or Dad's permission!
3. Do not play on the game consoles for more than 2 hours!
4. Pick up toys after playing with them!
5. Have fun!
-Mom & Dad

Malcolm opened the door and then he and Sally walked in, then her eyes widened in wonder at the room.
It's quite large, and there are several shelves full of books. There's a toy box in the corner of the room, a small couch in front of a TV screen that had a PS3 and an X-Box with a few controllers in front of it. Then there's the piano on the other side of the room.
The wall to Sally's left is covered with papers taped to it, papers filled with drawings of all sorts.
Malcolm took her over to the TV, then he let go of her hand. Suddenly, her hand felt cold without the warmth of his, but then she saw him reach down to pick up two game controllers, and he handed one to her, a questioning look in his eyes.
She realized that he's silently asking her if she wants to play video games with him, and so she agreed, nodding and grinning stiffly. Once more, she's uncertain about this, but she needs to make sure that he trusts her. Therefore, she must comply.
So they sat and played an old video game for a while until they heard the sound of the front door opening, and Samantha calling out.
"We're back!" She called.
"We're back!" They heard Alexis repeat after her mother.
Malcolm paused the game and looked at Sally, and she gave him a grin.
Maybe staying the night here won't be so bad after all.

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