Chapter 26 - Never Again

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WARNING: This chapter contains gore.

" you know how we become immortal?" Sally asked Ben.
He shrugged. "The hell if I know. I think Slender Man has something to do with it, but I dunno. I don't care either. Once you're immortal, there's no goin' back, so what's the point in worrying about it?"
Sally sighed softly, looking down. She really will live forever, won't she? Will it be worth it?
"You'll find something worth living an eternity for."
Toby's words repeated in her mind, and she didn't accept it.
No, there isn't anything that's worth living for. Not for eternity.
Sally knows there's nothing out there for her, nothing that'll make it worth the eternal time she has.
"So we really can't die..." She whispered.
"Yep," Ben muttered. "We can't die. Oh, and it's true that immortals can actually hurt other immortals, but you can't kill other immortals. So be careful who you make enemies with, because you may be in an eternal war with them."
Sally nodded in understanding.
It was silent for a moment, until Ben let out a huff.
"Well, this conversation has been rather gloomy. Mind playing some video games to brighten the mood?" Ben asked with a smirk. Sally managed to make a small smile and she nodded.
Within a matter of seconds, Ben had the game console and controllers hooked up and a game was placed. The television screen lit up and the music from the game played.
Ben handed Sally a controller and she obliged, taking it and making herself comfortable on the couch.
Ben turned the volume at its highest level, loud enough that it should have hurt Sally's ears, but it didn't.
She's sure that the whole neighborhood could hear it.
They started the game and chose their characters. They're on the same team and they had to work together to fight off monsters and bandits. With the loud sound effects and music, no one heard the back door open and close, and no one heard the footsteps.
Sally soon felt that a presence was in the room with them, and she glanced over to see Jeff walking in.
He has a fresh cut on his cheek, a bit lower than the scar from Jane's last attack. Jeff had an exhausted and irritated expression on his face, and he glared at Ben and Sally.
"What the hell are you two doing?" He asked loud enough for them to hear.
"What do you think we're doing?" Ben countered, his gaze not leaving the screen as he and Sally killed more enemies.
Jeff shook his head, slumping into the couch where Sally and Ben aren't sitting. "Get out."
Ben groaned. "Again? Really? We just started playing!"
"I don't give a damn! Get out of here!" Jeff growled, but even his voice is weak with weariness.
Ben's expression hardened from relaxed to annoyed. He dropped the game controller, not even bothering to pause the game. "Fine."
He stood and walked towards the television, then he pressed his hand to it, and then he was gone.
Sally carefully set her controller down and hopped off of the couch, then she looked at Jeff.
He growled again. "You heard me. Get out."
She looked away, then walked towards the back door. What had happened that made Jeff so agitated? Did Jane run away again? Did she hurt him badly?
Sally walked out and into the night, which is now only hours away from sunrise. She wondered how the time went by so quickly, but she didn't continue to think of it.
She walked into the streets, seeing the flashing lights just down the road.

Jeff muttered under his breath once the door closed softly behind Sally, ignoring the music blasting from the TV. He stood to turn the damn thing off when he heard a loud knock at his front door.
"What?" Jeff muttered. Is someone really knocking at his door? It'd better not be the police.
He grabbed the handle of his knife and then walked to his front door. He peeked through the peep-hole, and it was musty after all the years, but he can see through it to see a grown man, obviously bed-ridden and annoyed. Then, he opened the door.
"What the hell is the matter with you!? Can't you turn that damn noise off? Some people here-" The man ranted, his face red with anger, but then once he saw Jeff's face, his voice began to tremble and trail off, all the blood draining from his face and his furious expression turned into a shocked and frightened one. "...are...t-trying...t-t..."
"To sleep?" Jeff finished for him, laughing softly, then he raised his knife to show the man that sleep isn't exactly what he'll get tonight.
"Well, I must apologize. Here, let me help you with that..."

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