Extra - Make a Wish

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Sally and Ben sat on the hard, uneven ground layered with dead plants and dirt, losing themselves in the stars above.
They never get tired of looking at the stars. It's one of the most favorite things for them to do. They'd spend their time stargazing all night until the stars fade into dawn.
But, on this night, Sally saw something zip across the sky, but as fast as it appeared, it vanished from sight.
"Was that a shooting star?" Ben asked. Apparently, he had saw it, too.
"I think it was," Sally whispered in awe. She doesn't know how long it has been since she saw one. Then she looked at him with a grin. "Wanna make a wish?"
He continued to stare upwards. "Why make a wish on a flying rock?"
Sally shrugged. "Why not?"
Ben was silent.
The world around them is nothing but silence and darkness now. Sally had lost count of how many years had passed, all she knew is that civilization had almost completely died away.
And she is part of the reason why.
"Are you going to make a wish?" Ben asked her, breaking the silence.
"I don't know what to wish for," she looked at him again. "What did you wish for?"
He shook his head. "It doesn't matter. It won't come true anyway."
Sally turned to face him, smiling with curiosity. "Tell me!"
Ben began to shake his head again, but then he stopped and sighed. "I wish...I wish that I could start over. Back to when I was still human, before I died. I want to have another chance, you know? To live, get older, and die like a normal person."
Sally tried to imagine what it would be like to live a normal life, like that dream she had oh so long ago.
She tried to remember how it had felt, but it was just so long ago. Then she felt a sharp pain in her head and she cringed. It was as if there were a wall in her consciousness, keeping her from remembering, so then she gave up on trying to remember.
"Why would you want to live a life like that?" Sally asked. "I mean, we can do anything! We have forever on our side and nothing can stop us."
"I know," Ben sighed again. "But I still want to have another chance. I want to be able to feel again. I don't want to be like this for the rest of eternity."
"We have no other choice."
Ben was silent after that.
Then Sally reached out, setting a hand on his arm and he looked at her.
"Everything will be fine," she smiled. "You'll see."
He didn't say anything. So then they both continued to stare up at the starry night sky. 
Unfortunately, dawn eventually came around and the stars faded away as the sky lit up. It's no longer a light blue as it had been long ago, now it's in more of a colorless state along with fumes of pollution that still float around along with other gaseous elements that were never in the sky before.
The sunrise lit up the eerie plains around them, plains where trees and buildings and life used to be.
Now it's just a land of death and what used to be.
There's still some life left on this withering planet, but it won't last very long. Famine, disease, cannibalism, and a species willing to do anything to survive don't go together very well. Plants and animals are dying out rapidly, and so are the remnants of humanity. Soon, it will just be an empty planet with only the immortals roaming.
Sally and Ben haven't seen the other immortals lately, and probably never will. They know they're around, just not within their reach.
They just wander through lands where oceans used to be, but are now desserts or muddy plains. Some lands have flooded, continents have merged, creating all sorts of earthquakes and volcanoes. Storms and natural chaotic events have raged over the land: blizzards and hurricanes and tsunamis. There were a few times when Sally and Ben found themselves in those storms. They were flung about, but they were, of course, not damaged, and they always found one another again.
It's surprising how humanity had found ways to surpass all of that. Now they just have to deal with the rest of Mother Nature's wrath.
Too bad they won't live to watch the world end.
Ben and Sally trudged on for years through lands, and they have crossed paths with small civilizations now and then, but they have soon decided not to kill; they'd much rather watch the humans die out without their help.
Sometimes, they'd tell stories of what they could remember of their life. Whenever they were lucky enough to find an old book, they'd read it, just to witness another small world that each book can bring. Sometimes, they'd even make up stories straight from the imagination, preaching whatever came to mind just for their amusement.
Sometimes, they just walk in silence, letting their minds run.
But one day they stopped; Ben wouldn't continue walking.
Sally turned to him. "Ben?"
He gritted his teeth. "I don't see it."
"You told me that everything will be fine. I don't see it," he shook his head. "For fuck's sake, we're watching the world die. There's nothing to do but roam around and watch and wait to see what happens next. What happens when there's nothing else to wait for?"
Sally looked down and shrugged. "I don't know."
Ben groaned. "None of this is making me change my mind about what I wish for."
"I know."
"It just- it's so frustrating!" He grabbed at his messy, dirty blond hair in aggravation. Ben no longer wore his pointy green hat; he tossed it long ago, claiming that it was annoying. "I don't want to do this anymore! I want it all to stop, but it can't! It's driving me fucking crazy!"
"Then let go," Sally insisted softly, shaking her head.
"That's the thing, I don't want to." Ben growled and he kicked a rock. It flew several yards before hitting the ground and spilling into multiple smaller rocks. "I'm not planning on losing my mind, but I just can't stand the fact that this is what I have to live with forever."
"Ben, it's easier to just let it happen. It's easier to-"
"Don't you think I fucking know that already!?" Ben snapped, causing Sally to stop talking. "I know it's 'easier', but there's no way in hell that I am going to just sit around and go completely fucking mad! This is all just-just bullshit! It's all bullshit and there's nothing I can fucking do about it!"
He's ranting again. He's done it many times before, but no matter what Sally says, he just won't give up.
It's like a stubborn child having a tantrum over something he can't have.
It took Ben a few minutes to finally shut up as Sally waited in silence. He glared down at the ruined soil beneath his feet for a while until he regained his composer.
Eventually, he sighed in defeat. "Alright, let's just...go someplace else."
And so they did.
Night soon came around again and the stars revealed themselves. But on this night, more than one shooting star flew by. It's a meteor shower, and it's absolutely breathtaking.
The trails of flames they left behind are all sorts of colors. Colors they recognized, colors they had never imagined, and colors they had forgotten. The shower lit up the night, making the dying world just a little bit more beautiful.
Sally smiled at the sight, then she looked at Ben.

"Make a wish."

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