Chapter 1: I Didn't Wish For You

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  • Dedicated to Nicolette, my dearest ahjumma

         A man of an average life walked among the filled streets of Seoul like a normal person would. He had good looks, loyal friends, a high paying job, and a luxurious apartment room to sustain him. This man was Lee ChanHee. On his way back from work, he took his regular walk to his apartment, where he would arrive exactly at 9:00 PM everyday. However…today wasn’t the case.

         Walking steadily, ChanHee moved swiftly through the hundreds of people walking past him. He wore his usual attire consisting of a chic jacket with a graphic tee, accompanied by ripped jeans. More civilians came into view and blocked the casual businessman from his path. Why are there are so many people still up walking here at night? Aish… he thought, pushing people aside. Halfway through his routine walk, he spotted a rambunctious crowd taking pictures of something on the road. Some whispered things unheard by others, covering their mouths ad talking in each other’s ears. Others yelled and screamed pointing at another undentified object on the road. Police cars were still and the officers were quickly moving in the same area. What happened here? Taking no precautions to the environment around him, ChanHee sauntered out of the sidewalk and on to the pitch-black road. Heading towards the scene, his footsteps became less and less mobile. He paused when his leg hit something heavy. Looking down, his eyes grew in size and he unconsciously stepped backward.

         “What the-“ he stared the bloody, limp corpse displayed in front of him. A knife was sticking out of the victim’s crest, gleaming in the dull moonlight.

         “Look! There he is! Get him!” a voice from the commotion shouted.

         Upon hearing this, ChanHee glanced behind him to find three police officers sprinting towards him. Eyes bulging, he hesitated a second before dashing away. He ran faster than he has ever ran before. Faster than that race in high school…faster than when he was late for work that one day…faster than he could ever imagine. When the police started to fall behind, ChanHee took this advantage and accelerated his pace. Once he heard no more sounds behind him, he scoped the area again for a sign of anyone who might be chasing him. Panting, he thought, I need to hide…I need to hide… Like someone has granted his wish, a blond haired man called him over to a restaurant.

         “Psst. You. Tall kid. I’ve ordered more than I could chew, you wanna eat with me?” the man offered.

         Umma never told you to talk to strangers…but I need to blend in and hide…sorry umma.

         “Uh…okay.” ChanHee turned his head left and right to see if the coast was clear, and then proceeded into the outdoor tent.

         The man showed ChanHee his seat (even though it was the only seat at his table) and smiled disarmingly. If he’s this nice, maybe he poisoned my food so he could kill me, ChanHee thought, and sat down.

         “Let’s eat!” the stranger clapped his hands together and picked up a pair of chopsticks. Maybe he isn’t bad… ChanHee held his pair and slowly reached towards an egg roll. I’m not so sure about this… In the corner of his eye, he sighted the police cars zooming by. Red, white, and blue lights flashed in every direction and almost a dozen cop cars moved by. They disappeared out of sight in less than a minute. Phew, he thought, resuming his egg roll. As soon as he was going to eat, the stranger spoke,

         “Who are you?” he asked in a spontaneous tone.

         “I-I’m ChanHee…Lee ChanHee…some people call me Chunji.” he replied, attempting to eat the yellow egg roll until being interrupted yet again by the blond haired man.

         “I’m Lee ByungHun. I hate being called that, so call me LJoe.” ChanHee nodded in reply and reclaimed his egg roll. Can I eat now-

         “Since you don’t know me personally, let me tell you this. I saved you back there. I guess you kinda saved me too with your misleading act.” LJoe chuckled, “And…I was the one who killed that man. The one you saw.”

         ChanHee dropped the egg roll on to his plate. I-I-I’m eat-eating with a…CRIMINAL!? Oddoke? His jaw dropped to its furthest extent as he stared wide-eyed at LJoe. LJoe laughed a hearty laugh. Why is he laughing? Is he planning to kill me I his next victim? Omo…

         “You don’t need to be so scared, Chunji. It’s not like I’m going to kill you or anything.”

         He’s gonna kill me.

         “I killed that guy, and only that guy, I swear.”

         Yeah right you murderer.

         “I’m telling the truth here.”         

         Is he reading my mind right now?

         “Yes.” LJoe took ChanHee’s arm into his grip and dragged him outside to an empty alleyway. There, he threw ChanHee against the concrete wall, smacking his hand right next to his face. LJoe’s expression changed from the kind looking stranger to a psychopathic killer. The criminal's pupils seemed to stare deep into his soul, staring into his deepest thoughts. ChanHee’s heartbeats were so fast that the thumping of it could be heard in his ears. Oddoke, oddoke, oddoke, someone help me… His wish wasn’t granted and instead left him stranded.

         “If you tell anyone that I killed that man, I will do everything I can to make you regret that you did. We’re both wanted criminals now, friend, so you better get used to life on the run. No more houses, friends, anything but your dignity. Arraso?” he growled with a low-pitched voice. ChanHee nodded furiously and slumped down.

         “Good, because we’re leaving tomorrow. Get all your things and tell your friends you’re going on a long vacation. We won’t be coming back.” LJoe smirked and slithered away into the night. ChanHee clutched his shirt, panicky.

         ChanHee...what have you gotten yourself into?

A/N: Heh short first chapter to start off the story ^^" I'm aiming to make the other chapters longer... Hope you enjoy it! 

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