The End

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I couldn't be in that house without Luke it reminded me to much of him and my aunt didn't want to live there either since there's a blood stain from miss Watson.

Aunt Lora ended up getting transferred I was sad to leave the friends I had made here but what we been through I know we will be friends forever.

And Lucy ended up adopting that little girl Sophie, I know Lucy will take good care of her and make her feel loved. I go and visit them every once in awhile and Lucy always calls to check up on me.

I can still see ghost and I decided to embrace this gift I was given and help ghost move on.

I miss Luke everyday, I still catch my self looking for him when I hear a noise. I even talk to him even though he can't answer I know he's listening, I don't know if I will ever love someone as much as I loved him but I'm trying to do as he said as make every day count because he's right we only get one life in this world.

The boy that lives in my house story is finally over 😭

I hoped Everyone liked this story! Please let me know if you guys did.

But thanks again for taking the time to read my story 😊

Please go check out some of my other stories on my profile.

Thank you

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