Chapter 16

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"And that's it for today's lesson. You may all go now" The students rejoiced as they existed the classroom. Camilla was a bit bored when it comes to her schedule because she has two free periods in the afternoon. She has to wait for two hours and half for her friends to finish. Camilla would just always wait in the common room to read or to do her homework or just go to the black lake.

Camilla was frustrated of not performing her prefect duties due to Umbridge who was almost taking over the entire school. Camilla felt that she was useless. The head boy, head girl, and the prefects perhaps feel so useless. Suddenly someone placed an arm around her shoulder and she was startled, "whoops! Didn't mean to scare you hon but remember, we have a meeting later with the head boy and girl and along with the other prefects" Maven reminded her before he took off to his next class.

Camilla walked to the Ravenclaw common room. She was pretty bored and don't know what to do. Her OWLs were giving her a headache already and she was having a hard time of keeping up in the DADA because what Umbridge was teaching made no sense. She was not teaching them to defend themselves of what's out there and Camilla thought of an idea but she shrugged it off because it wouldn't be even a success anyway. The people around her still think that the three, her, Cedric and Harry made all the story up. She then found herself in front of the Ravenclaw portrait.

" I have a head but no body, a heart but no blood. Just leaves and no branches, I grow without wood. What am I?"

"A lettuce" she answered then the portrait opened. She walked inside and she sat on the navy blue couch and placed her bag beside her. She sighed and closed her eyes. There were only few students in the common room so there were chatters but only a minimum. She opened her eyes and pondered. And wondered. Then suddenly she remembered those two men talking about her. She shook her head.

'What if they catch me one day? What if they caught my parents? It's been two days since i sent them that letter. I can't afford to lose the people that i love. I already lost one. I can't afford to lose both. I don't know what to do with myself if happens. GAHHH! STOP THINKING LIKE THAT CAMILLA! THEY WILL BE ALRIGHT.' Camilla furrowed her eyebrows as she had these thoughts. Then a voice broke her from her train thoughts.

"Hello Ms. Camilla. I'm sorry to disturb you but can you help me with something? You said we can approach you if we need help." In front of her was a girl with blonde hair that was in pigtails and was so cute. "Of course. What do you need help with." The first year's eyes lit up. "I'm really having a hard time in charms class. You see, i don't have parents who was born with magical abilities so this seems really startling for me" Camilla's eyes soften at the girl. She's a muggle born. Her heart melted when she saw her innocent face.

"Sure. Let's do this outside okay? So that we would not disturb the others. By the way, what's your name?" "Ella" she replied with a big smile on her face. "Okay Ella, let's go to the black lake" she nodded excitedly. Camilla grabbed her sling bag and they headed to the black lake. Once they arrived, she placed her bag by the tree, followed by Ella and she grabbed her wand.

"So Ella. What do you need help with?"

"I'm having some gtrouble to perform Wingardium Leviosa." "Oh. That's pretty easy. It's one of the basics. The way to do it is you need to do the correct hand movement and that's swish and flick. Follow my hand movement" she swished and flicked and Ella followed and they done this three times. "Very good. Then as you do the hand movement, say wingardium leviosa" Ella nodded, "try casting a spell on that leaf" Camilla pointed to the dried leave on the ground.

Ella took a deep breath and pointed her wand to the leaf. She swished and flicked her wand then said, "wingardium leviosa" the leaf then levitated. "Good job Ella. See? That wasn't so hard" Ella smiled widely and came to hug her, jumping up and down. Camilla was surprised at first but she smiled at her, "thank you!thank you! Thank you!" Camilla threw her head back and laughed.

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