Chapter 28

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The familiar scent of herbal wreaths hit Camilla's nose when they entered the lonely mansion of the Devonshires.

Camilla looked around and everything was in order. It was neat and clean all thanks to their house elf who was now approaching Camilla.

"It's good to see you again miss Camilla. Booky's a bit lonely here in the Devonshire mansion for a while" she kneeled down and hugged the house elf. Booky was surprised but appreciated the affection and hugged her back.

She pulled back and wiped her tear away. "Are you sure you want to be all by yourself Camilla?"

Nymphadora Tonks, an auror and Remus Lupin's love interest, asked the brunette who was standing up and faced her.

"I think i'll be fine" she says quietly. "You know, Mrs. Weasley wants you to come for dinner tomorrow. Will you come?"

"W-who will be there?" She asked. "Just me and Remus. Harry will be there also"

She thought about it. "Alright. I'll go but i'm not yet legal to apparate"

Tonks smiled at her softly, "i told the twins to hang out with you tomorrow and they happily agreed" her eyes widened.

"But they have to run the joke shop. I don't want to be a disturbance to them" Tonks laughed a bit and said, "they closed their joke shop for a few days since it's already the holidays"

"But that's an advantage to their business. Since it's a holiday, a lot of people would buy their stuff"

Tonks shook her head and placed a hand on Camilla's shoulder, "you're too smart for your own good. The twins will come here and hang out with you then they will also take you to dinner at the burrow, okay?"

Camilla sighed and nodded. Tonks saw the sadness on her face and hurt. "Look, honey, i don't know what happened between you and Cedric but i know he's a good lad. I know he won't give you up."

"What if it just did Tonks? It was just a misunderstanding and i don't know what to do anymore" she started to cry.

"Do you miss him?" She asked as she hugged Camilla. "Yes, so much, and that makes me angry of him"

Tonks grabbed her shoulders and looked at her, "you're a strong girl Camilla. A person can be strong but not alone. There is always someone who keeps you strong. And i know that he gives you strength and you love him"

"How can i prove it to him Tonks? How?" She asked in a cracking voice. "He has done so much for me and I didn't do anything for him. I feel so angry with myself. I don't understand it. At all"

"Don't worry. I know that you two will talk things and be okay again." Tonks broke the hug and smiled at the brunette, "you know, Remus rejected me before"

Camilla's eyes widened, "why?" Tonks laughed a little. "after that rejection, i felt really depressed. But a few weeks later he popped out of nowhere to talk about something. He told me he rejected me because he was too poor, old and dangerous for me but he told me he felt the same way. When he told me that, i looked into his eyes and told him that i don't care and told him i love him. Don't worry Cams, i know you two will sort this out" she squeezed Camilla's arm before giving her a final hug and pulled back.

"Thank you Tonks. Thank you so much"

She smiled at her, "are you sure that you don't want me to stay with you for the night?"

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