Chapter 29

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Camilla opened her closet and wondered what she would wear. As she scanned her closet, a dress caught her eye and took it out.

It was a yellow retro knee length dress. Yellow. This reminded her of someone. Two people to be exact. The first person grew up with her. She was always happy that's why yellow reminded Camilla of her. But everything went gray at the age of 19. The other person is someone she doesn't know that well but somehow loves him.

Funny right? Loving someone who you don't know that well. She may know his likes and dislikes but she haven't seen his weakness and strength. But to Camilla, she felt Cedric is the only person who understands and at the same time love her.

Her eyes became watery and she felt a burning sensation in her nose. "I'm such an ungrateful bitch" and as those words came out of her mouth, the more she understands why Cedric left her. Or so she thought but it was like he gave up on her.

"Am i just wasting my time?"

Those words kept repeating in Camilla's head and that made her feel worse. She collapsed on the floor and she cried on her bed.

She heard a knock at the door but she didn't answer. "Camilla? Are you ready?" She didn't answer. The person knocked one more time but there was no answer.

"We're coming in" then she heard the door creaking and it came to a stop when the person or two people saw the brunette sitting on her carpeted floor and her head on the bed, her arms covering her face.

"What's wrong love?" Fred sat down beside her while George sat down on her bed. "P-please don't call me t-that" she said between her sobs.

"Why?" Fred asked softly as George rubbed her back for comfort. "I want to forget him. He left me"

The twins looked at each other then their eyes on her, "i don't think he left you Cami" George said.

"Then you thought wrong" she said and her sobbing got worse. "I'm such an ungrateful bitch to him. I love him. I really do but I somehow can't show it enough because"

She paused, "because?" Fred asked, "i'm afraid"

"You know Camilla. You shouldn't be afraid. I can see how pretty Diggory looks at you. Like you are the most precious thing on earth that he had. There will be some complications in the future but it's normal for couples to have that. If there are no complications then their relationship will be weaker. Those problems will help you two to build a stronger relationship, to stay together"

Fred looked at his twin with surprise, "wow George. That's deep"

George smiled confidently, "that's why the ladies want me" he says jokingly. Fred rolled his eyes and Camilla lifted her head. Her eyes were bloodshot red. She wiped her eyes and fixed her hair.

"Sorry guys. I guess i ruined the party mood" she forced a laugh. "Of course not! It's better out than in, right?" Fred said.

"Let's get you all pretty! Come on! The birthday girl should be treated like a princess!" Fred was trying to lighten up her mood and held her hands to help her stand up.

This time, Camilla did laugh. "Probably not such a good idea. How about i do that while you two wait outside. Okay?"

The twins smiled brightly at her. "This calls for a group hug!" Then two pairs of strong arm were wrapped around Camilla.

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