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The next few weeks seemed to float by without recognition. The homework was insane and I only had two friends.

Taylor had actually turned out to be very nice and although I had bad feelings at first, she was caring and always helping me out.

Then of course there was Michael. He got me through the day with his smirks and sly jokes. The second I sat down in social studies, I would be in trouble due to giggling through the class.

Michael was the only person I had hung out with after school so far this year and although that might sound sad, I didn't mind. He got me through the day and made me forget about how unhappy I was.

It's not like after he left I was all laughter and happiness. No that's never how it goes. When he left I was alone again and stranded in the middle of deep, black nothingness. He made me forget but he didn't fix anything, which I fully understood.

No one could fix me. I don't have chipped paint that you can go over in minutes. Even if I was gutted and repainted there would still be problems so why try and repair me when you can replace me?

And that's how the cycle goes, some people try and help but they end up leaving, things get complicated or you push them away unintentionally.



I sat watching the beautiful girl beside me as she mindlessly sketched on her paper.

To the left of Ellie was Taylor, her face was pretty but mousey. Her eyes had thick liner and the tank top she wore clung to her, less than impressive, chest. Taylor's thighs hardly touched and her cheek bones were prominent.

I had come to the conclusion she was too skinny but maybe it was natural. I didn't like how Taylor talked to Ellie so often. She was a distraction and a bad influence when it came to gossip.

Honestly I felt bad for Taylor and her nickname. Looking back on your high school days with your kids and only remembering trying to fit in and being called Taywhore, must not be enjoyable.

The thing is Taylor's parents got divorced while she was in the sixth year and it was really hard on her. She just wanted attention and for someone to care. She started doing stuff, preferably with older boys but whatever age she could get.

She was in the popular group but after all of the things she was doing behind closed doors, it resulted in her "friends" kicking her out of their clique.

She tried everything she could but they refused to even speak to her again, thats when Taylor started dressing slutty, thinking her body would impress the self centered friends when in all actuality, the preppy girls couldn't disagree more.

Sometimes it's weird looking at someone and knowing their story when they weren't the one to tell you it.

Almost everyone here I've know since I was young whether passing in the halls of middle school or sports, but I knew things about most of them. Some more than others.

The thing about Taylor is now she's bitter. Always gossiping about forgotten friends who don't give a shit about her and boys who she found out have tiny dicks. Although I feel bad for her, I know that she's not the same person she used to be. She's mean and always seeking attention.

As I looked up at the board I sighed and mentally cursed myself for getting lost in this little trance. Messy hand writing covered the chalk board, which I guess I should copy? Running a hand through my messy blonde hair, I began writing at impressive speed.



I glanced around the room, surprisingly not the last to finish the notes. With this added free time I began studying people.

Classmates are so strange. Most of them have known Each other for years but never spoken. You go to school with all of these people you know nothing about.

Maybe that girl has depression, maybe that boy is gay, maybe she's an amazing artist but too shy to tell anyone, he could be a famous singer if he didn't have to support his ill mother, she might be lonely but is here on scholarship and doesn't have time for friends.

No one really knows me here, no one ever wants to know.

What I never noticed before was how Luke Hemmings never did his work. I looked at him, aimlessly staring off into space probably reminiscing over some memory he's fond over.

He sits at my lunch table but he hardly speaks. The boys tell me he's actually a really cool guy but he's shy.

While staring at him he sighs and runs a hand through his slightly styled hair. Wow he is attractive.

He's wearing some edgy shirt with black jeans and vans. For some reason I want to sit him down on my bed and listen to music with him.

Before getting too deep in my thoughts I stop myself.


And the best voice inside a girls mind goes to Ellie!



Tysm for being here!! I have 99 reads and that may not be a lot but hey you all fucking rock.

I know it takes me a while I wish I could say it's because I'm some insanely talented girl but really it's bc I'm blogging and being sad so.

Just a reminder you're beautiful and I love you so very much.



He sees what I can't (A Luke hemmings fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now