Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Maddie's POV

I turned right onto the hallway leading to my math class. I had made my way through the school inconspicuously, as usual. I looked down at my red folder I substituted for my binder. My parents encouraged recycling binders each year, mostly because they were too lazy to buy me a new one, but I didn't mind. Honestly, I was lucky to have school supplies, unlike the handful of kids at the school who don't.

Suddenly, the folder slipped from my grasp and I stumbled forward, landing on top of somebody. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I-" I paused in mid- sentence, underneath me sat the most popular boy in school, Josh Hyland. Josh wasn't popular for being on the football team or basketball team, all though he was on both. He was the hottest kid in class, on top of his looks was a sweet and charming personality.

The p e r f e c t boy.

Josh gazed at me for a moment before we both snapped to our senses. "I'm so clumsy! I wasn't looking where I was going, and I was kid of lost in thought but I should've-" I began babbling on and on to Josh, which wasn't like the usual me. I rarely tended to talk because without anybody to talk to, I never had the need to. "Haha," he flashed a smile towards me and held his hand out gently for me to help him up. I grabbed it sheepishly and hauled him up, wincing as I felt the pain in my back where my father slashed me the night before. "I'm-" I was about to introduce myself, but the charming boy beat me to it.

"Maddie right?" He smiled as I stared in awe for a moment. "I've been in your classes since Kindergarden." He winked and handed me my folder. "I've got to go to class but I'll see you around," I ended our conversation abruptly. No. No No No! I wasn't about to fall for Josh, he'd ruin my life! What if my parents found out? I winced at the thought of a ruler in my mother's hands.

"If I'm lucky," he smiled, oh no. Was that him flirting? No way! He'd never fall for a nobody like me, I assured myself. "I'm going to math too," he said stepping towards me as we walked into Ms.Rosser's room. "Maddie I haven't seen you since our family moved, how's life?" Josh asked awkwardly obviously attempting to break the ice. I wanted to scream about how terrible my life truly was, but I just smoothed out my hair and spin around to face Josh.

"Look, I don't know what your game is Hyland, but guys like you don't go for girls like me and I'm not interested in being your pity friend." I snapped, which made him chuckle, but that just infuriated me even more and I flew to my seat in a huff.


"Number 8, Keith?" Ms.Rosser continued going over the homework. I leaned back in my chair, where nobody noticed me and chewed lightly on my pencil. "Psst, you, are you Maddie?" Sid, a boy next to me held a note between his pointer finger and middle finger reached out to me and left it sitting on my desk. Nobody passed notes to me, it could only be Josh.

Any girl would be going crazy if Josh Hyland had just passed a note to them, but my stomach sat churning and I slowly opened the note.

A/N: Hey guys! I was glad to post another chapter, but since I'm new to wattpad, I don't have many readers so I'd REALLY appreciate it of you'd help premodern my story! Also leave some comments and I'll continue after I get 1 vote! Don't worry the story gets better next chapter😏

Abused - a Maddie Ziegler Dancemoms / Dance Moms FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now